Greek and Cretan cuisine
Coming back from a holiday in Crete, we bring with us a tan, many pictures and a bag of beautiful memories connected with visiting this charming corner of Greece. However, holidays in Crete are not only breathtaking landscapes, sun or monuments, but also a feast for the palate. Greeks know how to appreciate the multitude of fresh vegetables and fruits, which is why even the simplest dish tastes great there. Greek cuisine shows that very little food would have to be made from simple ingredients. It is also worth remembering that in many scientific studies the local diet has been recognized as one of the healthiest and most sustainable in the world. Greek cuisine can make eating vegetables a pleasure. One thing is for sure, our taste buds were probably born in Crete, because the local cuisine won over our hearts or stomachs.
The most famous salad, which probably everyone associates with Greece, is Horiatiki salata known as 'Greek'. In our opinion, however, it is worth getting to know other delicious salads that are made in Greece, because the combination of ingredients and flavors may turn out to be surprisingly good. p>
Among the Greek sweets we will not find dietary suggestions.) According to Greeks, sweets bring happiness so desserts and sugar pastries are in abundance. Greek pastries often also make delicious desserts based on filo pastry. p>
Greece is the real kingdom of meze, or small dishes and snacks served at the beginning of the main meal, and often instead of it.The Greeks often start their meal with snacks and on them The Greek specialty is a long delectation of various mezes accompanied by a glass of ouzo. This is a frequent picture in Greek taverns. p>
Greeks enrich their taste in two ways: the first is a variety of spices and herbs, the second is the addition of wine, which often arises as an important ingredient in these dishes, this array of flavors and aromas complements the vegetable richness that is an indispensable addition to these dishes. p>
Greek islands are a vegetarian paradise, because vegetables are available throughout the year, while the Greeks have mastered the art of making them. Forget about boring and bland vegetables, because the mild climate and large sun exposure extract the best taste and aroma that is unmatched. Obligatory olive oil and a frequent addition of feta make the vegetarian Greek dishes taste great. P>
Fresh fish and seafood on the Greek islands are always available and commonly eaten. The richness of the Mediterranean makes it possible to taste There are many different species of fish prepared in different ways, while the squid or octopus are among the most consumed seafood and are included in the standards of home cooking. p>
Anyone who has been to Greece at least once knows the most popular Greek sauce - tzatziki, which is a frequent guest on Greek tables and a great addition Nutritious soups are usually served in winter and are rather an independent main course. p>
Bread in Greece is an important ingredient of meals and appears on the occasion of most of them. feta or olives, or breads baked for special occasions. p>
Every island and region of Greece is famous for its local alcoholic products. In Crete, most often we meet ouzo, cycludia, or raki, retisna or homemade rakomelo. Cretan crayfish also produce for themselves, just like wine.In Greece, you must try Greek coffee (elliniká kafe and frappe), as well as freshly squeezed juice from fine oranges. P>
Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine p>
Index of all pages
Below you will find a list of places in which we have been and which have already been described by us. Of course, this list does not fully reflect what we have seen in Crete, so there will certainly be more articles on our site.
About Cretan honey and its quality
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Anti-cancer action of olive oil
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Arakas laderos
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Asparagus with feta cheese
Atrapos - dried plums and olives
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Baked fish from the island of Spetse
(Fish and seafood)
Baked potatoes with oregano and lemon
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Bean salad black eyelet
Beans in tomatoes
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Bioolea oils
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
( Desserts and sweets)
Boureki (chaniotiko)
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Bread with feta cheese
( Breads and bread )
Bread with olives
( Breads and bread )
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Briam - a richer version
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Briam in the classic version
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Briam of Paleochora
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Broad bean salad
( Desserts and sweets)
Cauliflower Salat
Cherries in syrup
( Desserts and sweets)
Classification of oil types
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Cod fried in batter
(Fish and seafood)
Cretan cleanse - Labdanum
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Dictamus (Origanum dictamnus)
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Dieta śródziemnomorska zagrożona
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Dorada from the oven with lemon and rosemary
(Fish and seafood)
Dried herbs from Crete
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Eggplant with feta cheese
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Eggplants from Xinochondros
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Eliama - description of oils
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Fakes - lentil soup
( Sauces and soups)
Fasolakia - green beans in tomato
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Fava - husked pea paste
Feta baked in filo
Feta cheese
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Feta cheese - application
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Feta from the oven
Fish in batter
(Fish and seafood)
( Drinks and alcoholic drinks)
Frappe - the history of the drink
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Fried fish with lemon
(Fish and seafood)
( Sauces and soups)
( Desserts and sweets)
Garides saganaki
(Fish and seafood)
Gigantes Plaki
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Giouvetsi with chicken
( Main dishes with meat )
Glyka tou koutaliou
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Glykia kolokythopita - sweet pita with pumpkin
( Desserts and sweets)
Greek oil versus the rest of the world
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Grilled halloumi cheese
Grilled peppers with feta cheese
Halvas, orange-almond
( Desserts and sweets)
Herbs in Greek cuisine
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Horiatiki salata - Greek salad
Imam Bayildi
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
(Fish and seafood)
Kalitsounia with cheese and honey
Karydopita - nut cake
( Desserts and sweets)
( Main dishes with meat )
Keftedes in tomato sauce
( Main dishes with meat )
Keik portokali (orange cake)
( Desserts and sweets)
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Kolokithokeftedes (version 2)
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Koulourakia - butter cookies
( Desserts and sweets)
Kourabiedes - butter cookies
( Desserts and sweets)
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Lagana bread
( Breads and bread )
Lemon halvas with coconut
( Desserts and sweets)
Limitations in the collection of herbs
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
List of Mediterranean diet ingredients
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Malotira, mountain tea
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Marathopita - pitta from fennel
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Mastic cookies
( Desserts and sweets)
Mavromatika beans with spinach
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Mediterranean diet - a way to a good life after 70 years
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Moshari Kokkinisto
( Main dishes with meat )
( Main dishes with meat )
( Desserts and sweets)
Nitro diet from the Mediterranean
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Okra (bamie) in tomatoes
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Okra baked in olive oil
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Olive oil - the impact of storage method on its properties
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Olive paste
Olives in salt from Paleochory
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Omelette with asparagus and feta cheese
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Recipes of Greek cuisine
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Retsina, a step towards the future
( Drinks and alcoholic drinks)
Rizogalo - rice pudding
( Desserts and sweets)
Saganaki cheese
Salad with grilled haloumi and zucchini
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
( Main dishes with meat )
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Stuffed peppers and tomatoes
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Stuffed zucchini (Kolokithía gemistá)
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
Surprising research on vegetable food in Greece
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Sweet cherries in syrup
( Desserts and sweets)
( Main dishes - vegetarian )
( Desserts and sweets)
Vegetable soup with xinochondros
( Sauces and soups)
Vintage harvest in Crete
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
What is not the Mediterranean diet?
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
( Articles on Greek and Cretan cuisine )
Najnowsze komentarze:
Piekna wyspa szkoda by bylo stracic cos tak pieknego
Christian Arnidis - Moja Grecja Szczerze to bym się zdziwił gdyby na Santorini nie bylo trzęsień ziemi . Wyspa leży na tzw łuku wulkanicznym jaki się może wytworzyć kilkadziesiąt lub kilkaset kilometrów za linią subdukcji czyli obszarem gdzie jedna płyta tektoniczna się wciska pod drugą . To działa tak że najsilniejsze wstrząsy są w obszarze subdukcji , słabsze na łuku wulkanicznym . Kilkadziesiąt lub kilkaset metrów za . (...)
gość PiotrWie My na szczęście na razie jedziemy na Gran Canarię, na Cyklady dopiero 10 kwietnia, mam nadzieję że do tego czasu się uspokoi bo mamy w planach między innymi Amorgos.
kiedyś ten świat musi się skończyć …
Wartość 7700, to jakaś gruba kaczka dziennikarska. Uniwersytet Ateński raportuje niecałe 1200 zdarzeń od 26.01.2025, EuroMediterranean Seismological Centre z kolei prezentuje dane o 1375 zdarzeniach. W tym 137 powyżej 4 magnitudo i 4 powyżej 5 magnitudo.
Nie zmienia to faktu, że skala zjawiska jest gigantyczna i wielu specjalistów ostrzega, że może to być wstęp do zjawiska o większej skali.
Oby się tym razem mylili.
Oby się Kolumbo nie obudził, wtedy to już będzie pozamiatane
Trzeba mieć nadzieję, że na tym się zakończy
Mamy nadzieję że wszystko się skończy dobrze trzęsienia są odczuwane na Krecie
gość dodekanezowiec Balos/Gramvousa wywarły na mnie największe wrażenie, Falassarna niedoceniana, Elafonissi przeceniana.
Ale tak poza tym Kreta nie ma za wiele pięknych plaż.
Cypr, Majorka, Sardynia - tam przy hotelach są od razu piękne plaże.
gość dodekanezowiec „Widocznymi i bardziej wymiernymi wyznacznikami tych zmian jest stale powiększająca się baza noclegowa nie tylko w postaci niezliczonych hoteli na północy wyspy i coraz szerszej ofercie południowego wybrzeża”
Ale Grecję cenię za to, że nie ma takiego przegięcia jak w Hiszpanii (50-piętrowy hotel w Benidorm mówi wszystko), ani takiego niedorozwoju (uzasadnione słowo, należy im się) jak we włoskiej Kalabrii. (...)