Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Fresh herbs in Greek cuisine

Greek cuisine is unique. Its health aspects are determined by the complementary action of the ingredients of individual dishes and its support on natural products with the exclusion of those processed with chemical additives. Greeks enrich their food additionally with herbs, both in dried and fresh form. Of the latter, oregano, mint, rosemary and thyme land very often on the Greek plate. Equally often in this role are ordinary green plants rich in antioxidant ingredients such as parsley or dill.

It is herbs added alone or in compositions that add this unique accent to simple Greek dishes. Those growing in Greece are unique due to the unique climate: a large number of sunny days throughout the year, soil, sea climate. Some of the herbs grow only here ...

The Greek tradition of using herbs dates back many centuries, when it was used for medical purposes, such as oregano, or religious. Some of the herbs are associated with stories of characters known from Greek mythology. Today, being in Crete, it's impossible to miss roadside wild, wild herbs that smell clearly in the air, as well as herbs grown in home gardens and pots.

Thyme in Crete

What herbs are the most popular? Creating such a list will be difficult, but let's try ...

Oregano (Rigani, ρίγανη) - is the most popular herb used in Greece, literally for all dishes: meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, as well as marinades, sauces and salads. Healing properties are also known. In Crete, you can buy a special variety of wild oregano growing high in the mountains and harvested by hand. According to Greek mythology, the sweet-spicy scent of this plant was created by Aphrodite as a symbol of happiness.

Basil (Vasilikos, βασιλικός) - popular in principle since recently in Greece, although known since antiquity and recommended by ancient physicists: Hippocrates and Pliny. Both fresh and dried are used. Its various varieties are used for salads, vegetables and cooked dishes.

Bay leaf (Daphni, δάφνη) - similarly to us, it is usually dried for soups, stewed meat or fish. Its Greek name comes from mythology from the name of the nymph Daphne .

Marjoram (Mantzourana, μαντζουράνα) used rather dried for seasoning lamb, beef and other meats, sausages, tomato dishes. The ancients attributed to him the healing action, they planted on the graves of relatives in the conviction that he would provide eternal peace and happiness, but they also made wedding wreaths for young couples as a symbol of love and happiness.

Parsley (Maïdanos, μαϊντανός) used practically everywhere where it can be added: for soups, stews, meat, fish, seafood, sauces, legumes.

Fennel (Anithos, άνηθος) - already known in ancient Greece and used as a medicinal plant. Currently, both leaves and seeds are used to season marinades, fish, meats, salads, omelettes and legumes. You can find it in dolmades, bread and even in some cakes.

Rosemary (Thentrolivano, δεντρολίβανο) - often seen in the form of perennial rather tall shrubs with woody stems. It is most often used for seasoning lamb, chicken, baked potatoes or fish. Also met during baking. The most aromas are fresh twigs.


Mint (Dyosmos, δυόσμος) - who once ate even Greek meatballs knows that mint is the secret ingredient in the taste. In addition, the Greeks add mint commonly to salads, tomato sauces, cheese dishes, rice and meat. Also used as a well-known herbal tea. If it were not for Hades and his jealous wife Persephone, it would not be mint today. According to mythology, Hiden fell in love with Menthe , and his wife threw a nymph to trample her. Then Hades turned Menthe into a bush.

Purslane (Glistritha, γλιστρίδα) - very common in Greek cuisine. Fresh leaves can be found in lettuce (eg with yoghurt), also found in soups and some meat and fish dishes. Her leaves are preparing like spinach. In ancient Greece recommended by Hippocrates as a medicinal plant. Currently, for the owners of home gardens, it is rather a nuisance, because the purslane grows very invasively.

Sage (Faskomilo, φασκόμηλο) - usually added to meat but in small quantities. In Crete, it is used when smoking sausage or baking bread in a traditional wood-fired oven, into which sage twigs are put.

Thyme (Thymari, θυμάρι) is most often used in combination with other herbs, added to soups, stews and meats. Very popular thyme honeys are sold on Crete. In the mountainous areas of Crete thyme bushes are a frequent sight, because it grows in large clumps, most often with very woody stems.

Thyme and mint

Fennel Italian - fennel (Maratho, μάραθο) - with its aniseed scent it is used for meat and fish dishes, for goulash, vegetable dishes, seafood and cakes. Vegetable dishes give a characteristic flavor. The Greek name Maratho was given in remembrance of the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC, which took place in the fennel field.

Savory (Throubi, θρουμπί) - added to dishes from legumes, marinades, fish, vegetables and many other dishes. The thybra satureja variety has been known and used since antiquity. The name Thybra comes from the name of the village near Troja.

Estragon (Estrankón, εστραγκόν) - by the ancient Greeks used to relieve toothache, by the present for seasoning, for example, omelettes, or grilled chicken.

Herbs in Crete

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Limitations in the harvest of herbs in Crete

Limitations in the harvest of herbs in Crete

The applicable legal regulations introduce restrictions on the maximum weight of dried plants harvested by a single person. The directive (DAD ΒΛ45ΟΡ1Θ-ΥΡ9) issued by the Forestry Office and valid until 2018 specifies this value as 500 g of dried for individual use. Such restrictions are primarily to counteract excessive exploitation of natural vegetation, which is now too much depleted in many places.

Surprising research on vegetable food in Greece

Surprising research on vegetable food in Greece

Greek diet is associated with a healthy diet based primarily on a large amount of vegetables and fruits. The health benefits of its use have been the subject of many scientific studies, which confirm the very beneficial effect of the components consumed in this diet on general health. It might seem, therefore, that the Greeks are a very healthy nation in that case. Nothing could be more wrong, as many of them have fundamentally changed their eating habits and behaviors.

Karob - the forgotten treasure of Crete

Karob - the forgotten treasure of Crete

Carob is otherwise the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) or carob tree found among others in the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, India, the Middle East or Australia. This evergreen and heat-resistant tree grows both wild and cultivated. Before sugarcane reeds and beets were disseminated, carob fruit was the main source of sugar due to its nearly 50% sugar content.


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W Jeorjopouli montowali parasole kilka dni temu. No jestem ciekawa czy teraz będą demontować.
gość PiotrWie : Nam się podoba - może znowu da się jeździć na Kretę. Miłośników leżaków zapraszamy z powrotem na północne wybrzeże.
Bardzo się cieszę. Mnie to odpowiada, bo nie znoszę głośnej muzyki na plaży i coraz trudniej było znaleźć miejsce bez leżaków. Jak ktoś chce leżaki to zapewne znajdzie odpowiednie miejsce.
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Bardzo dobrze. Jak ktoś nie chce wypożyczać leżaka, to miejsca musi szukać na drugim końcu wyspy i w najbrzydszej okolicy.
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Gosia | : Bardzo się cieszymy :) Sami też mamy często takie spostrzeżenia w tawernach :D
Czerwiec to wg mnie najlepszy czas na wakacje np. w Grecji czy Chorwacji. Ze względu na bombelki, staramy się wyjeżdżać w ostatnim tygodniu czerwca. Choć byłem na Krecie w 2021r. w drugim tygodniu lipca to pogoda była idealna, a spotkałem naszych rodaków, którzy będąc w czerwcu mieli wówczas straszne upały.
Upały to też ale ogromna ilość turystów sprawiają, że w sezonie to nie jest wypoczynek tylko walka: o miejsce na plaży, o dobre miejsce podczas zwiedzania aby zrobić zdjęcie. To podwójnie męczące.

Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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