Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Vegetable soup with xinochondros

Vegetable soup with xinochondros


  • 1 xinochondros cup
  • 1 carrot cut into half-slices
  • 1 leek cut into half-slices
  • 1 small courgette diced (without seeds)
  • 2 ripe tomatoes without skin
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 2 green bulbs (young)
  • half a cup of oil
  • 7-8 glasses of water
  • salt pepper
  • parsley
  • 1 hot pepper (optional)

This is our next way to use xinochondros , a popular in Crete soup and sauce additive. Crumbled wheat cooked with fermented milk and well dried can be aged in the home pantry for many months. Its characteristic taste is clearly perceptible in dishes to which we will add xinochondros. If you have not imported this product from Crete so far, add it to the holiday suitcase next time. You should get it without any problems in grocery stores in the department with dried products. We mean, however, the markets where the Cretans are supplied. In super-mini - and other supermarkets geared to handling xinochondros tourists you will most likely not find.

This is our next way to use xinochondros, a popular in Crete soup and sauce additive. Crumbled wheat cooked with fermented milk and well dried can be aged in the home pantry for many months. Its characteristic taste is clearly perceptible in dishes to which we will add xinochondros. If you have not imported this product from Crete so far, add it to the holiday suitcase next time. You should get it without any problems in grocery stores in the department with dried products. We mean, however, the markets where the Cretans are supplied. In super-mini - and other supermarkets geared to handling xinochondros tourists you will most likely not find.

The presented vegetable soup with the addition of xinochodros is tasty but completely different in taste than traditional Polish vegetable soups. It is also simple and fast to prepare. And in addition to xinochondros it does not require any other Cretan specialties. We highly recommend it!

1. In a pot, warm up the oil and fry onions.

2. Then add all vegetables and chopped tomatoes. Add one glass of water to the vegetables, season with salt and pepper and cook under cover over low heat for about 10 minutes.

3. After this time, pour the remaining water and bring to a boil. Then pour the xinochondros and the optional finely chopped red pepper. If you do not like or can not eat spicy flavors, then the peppers should be omitted.

4. Cook for another half hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add some chopped parsley.

Vegetable soup with xinochondros

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