Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Beef stewed in tomato sauce with noodles

Beef with noodles


  • about 1 kg of beef for stewing
  • 2 large red onions
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 ripe tomatoes or a can of skinless tomatoes
  • 3-4 tablespoons of homemade tomato puree
  • a sizable glass of red wine
  • a cup of oil
  • a larger pinch of cinnamon
  • optional: a pinch of ground cloves or grated nutmeg
  • pinch of sugar
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • salt pepper
  • a portion of bucatini or pasticio, possibly thicker spaghetti
  • a portion of grated kefalotiri, parmesan cheese, grana padano, etc.

Μοσχάρι Κοκκινιστό

In our latitude, the combination of stewed beef with pasta similar to thicker spaghetti is very unusual. And the very idea of adding tomatoes to stew meat is also far from Polish culinary habits.
When in Greece, however, it is worth abandoning your personal prejudices about food and be surprised by the different cuisine and combinations of flavors.
A good example of such an unusual dish that can appear on our plate is Μοσχάρι Κοκκινιστό (moshari kokkinisto), i.e. beef stewed in tomato sauce with a hint of cinnamon. It is served with bucatini noodles, which are sprinkled with grated hard kefalotiri cheese. It is a very tasty set and, most importantly, it can be prepared without major obstacles in Poland. Instead of kefalotiri, you can use another hard maturing cheese like Parmesan, Grana Padano. However, you should search in Polish shops, because you can buy Greek graviera and kefalotiri cheeses more and more often.

Μοσχάρι Κοκκινιστό is a very traditional dish that used to appear on Greek tables in a rather festive way due to the low availability of meat. Today, however, it is prepared much more often.

1. We start preparing the dish by washing and thoroughly drying the meat with a paper towel. Then, cut the beef into larger pieces (about 4 cm).

2. Heat the olive oil in a pot and fry the beef in it. After browning one side, transfer the meat to the other and repeat the process. Try not to overfill the bottom of the pan and not stir the meat while frying.

3. Add chopped onion and garlic to the meat and fry another 2-3 minutes, then add the wine. When the wine has evaporated, add tomatoes and tomato puree. If fresh tomatoes are used, they should be peeled and chopped. In the case of canned tomatoes, you only need to slice them.

4. Season the whole with cinnamon, optionally with scoop / cloves, sugar (tomatoes can be sour!), Pepper. Also pour hot water so that the meat is covered. Add salt only at the end of stewing.

5. Stew the prepared meat until tender over low heat, stirring from time to time. Stewing generally takes 1.5 to 2 hours. If the water evaporates significantly during stewing, add some warm water.

6. When the meat is soft, cook as much pasta as needed.
Put the cooked and drained pasta on a plate, put the pieces of meat on it, add the sauce and then sprinkle the pasta with grated cheese. Finally, you can pour olive oil on the dish.

7. Serve the dish hot and drink the rest of the wine that is left after opening the bottle ;-)

Beef with noodles

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2020-10-08 19:03:03

wołowina, cynamon i pomidor - bierę w ciemno ;)

2020-10-08 19:26:19

Zamiast mielonego cynamonu lepiej dać kawał kory w całości. Odda smak w trakcie duszenia.

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2020-10-08 19:45:50

Tak, jak najbardziej jeśli jest pod ręką.

2020-10-09 09:24:27

Ogromnym zaskoczeniem bylo dla mnie odkrycie cynamonu w spagetti Bolonese, niebo w buzi i pełen surprise, powtórzyłam już w domu i rewelacja


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This very famous meat dish consists primarily of eggplants, minced meat with tomatoes and béchamel sauce. In Greece, the best moussaka can be eaten in traditional family taverns, where the dish is refined, full of aromas and very tasty.

Keftedes in tomato sauce

Keftedes in tomato sauce

To prepare this dish, we can use keftedes meat patties prepared the day before or also to make them up to date. This simple variety of herb-flavored chops in aromatic sauce is very tasty, so I strongly encourage you to try them. They taste great with ordinary bread, rice or orzo type pasta. Keftedes in tomato sauce can withstand reheating very well, so you can prepare more.

Greek keftedes chops

Greek keftedes chops

Keftedes is one of the most popular Greek dishes. Under this name there are balls of minced meat seasoned with herbs, which they owe their interesting taste to. The Greeks also have several other uses for minced meat, but this recipe is the most basic and popular way.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

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