Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Tirokafteri with roasted peppers

Tirokafteri with roasted peppers


  • 1 large red pepper
  • 200-250 g of feta cheese
  • a teaspoon of red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
  • Cretan oregano
  • Optional:
    1-2 tablespoons of olive oil

Tirokafteri ( τυροκαυτερή ) is a popular addition to bread or pita, which can also be obtained in a tavern as a meze. It can be described as a Greek paste made of feta cheese and paprika. It sounds simple, but in practice, tirokafteri can be prepared in several different ways. Depending on the region, it can be either raw or baked red chillies. Garlic or olive oil can also be added, but it is not necessary. So how to prepare tirokafteri and from what? The recipe for chilli tirokafteri is already on our website, so today we will give you the method of roasted pepper tirokafteri.

1. We start the preparation by baking the peppers. How to do it? You preheat the oven to about 180-190 degrees. You put the peppers in a casserole dish or simply on a baking tray lined with aluminum foil and put it in the oven. Of course, the peppers must be rinsed beforehand. We don't cut it up before baking, but some do. And you will do as you like

2. The pepper must be baked until its skin turns black. This generally takes around 30-40 minutes. It's just worth keeping an eye on her condition.

3. After baking, the peppers should be carefully put into the pot, tightly covered with a lid and left for 15-20 minutes. Some people recommend putting the peppers in a plastic bag, but in my opinion the pot is more convenient, and we don't use another plastic senselessly. What's all this for? In order to quickly and easily remove the skin from the peppers. If you have roasted it completely, this is also the time to cleanse it of seeds and nests.

4. Put the peeled and cleaned pepper into a chopper, add a little crushed feta, yogurt, oregano and vinegar (and optionally olive oil) and then mix. However, do not mix the ingredients into a smooth paste, but rather leave a light texture. Feta is salty, so in our opinion tirokafteri does not require salting. If you don't have red wine vinegar, experiment with what you have. We recently added an interesting vinegar with rosemary (of course from Crete) and it turned out great too.

5. The ready paste is best put into a clay vessel. It will absorb any excess water if the consistency of the paste is too light. Sprinkle it with a pinch of oregano on top. The paste is the most delicious right after preparation, although it can be stored for several days in the refrigerator.

Tirokafteri with roasted peppers

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FETA FURNACE (Φέτα ψητή)

FETA FURNACE (Φέτα ψητή)

Feta from the oven is a great way for a quick and very tasty dish that will appeal to fry-eaters and lovers of Greek cuisine. The absolute condition of success is the use of the original Greek fete and not the Polish substitute, which has nothing to do with real feta. As with other dishes, there are several ways to prepare feta from the oven. If the dish is to fulfill the task of a snack, we only need one feta packet for 2 people.

Tirokafteri - a spicy dip from feta

Tirokafteri - a spicy dip from feta

Tirokafteri is a Greek dip made on the basis of feta, excellent for bread or grilled vegetables. The way it is seasoned differs depending on the region of Greece. You can find versions with the addition of garlic, lemon juice, hot pepper or oregano. In the most orthodox version it consists only of feta, olive oil and hot pepper.



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