Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Malotira, mountain tea

When browsing the stalls with local products in Crete, you will certainly find malotira ( Μαλοτήρα ) on them, i.e. Moutain Tea. This popular plant known under the Latin name sideritis syriaca grows wild in the mountainous areas of Crete in the Lefka Ori massif, thanks to which it is devoid of pollution. malotira is one of many species of gentile, which is popular in the Mediterranean, the Balkans and the Middle East. Sideritis syriaca is a variation occurring only on Crete, and the specific smell of this dried plant and the flavor of the infusion are irresistibly associated with this island.


Known since antiquity

The Latin name comes from the Greek word σίδερο meaning iron. It did not come without a reason, because this plant is characterized by a rich content of this element. Its healing properties were known to the Greeks already in antiquity, when it was used primarily for the treatment of wounds received during fights. In addition, its consumption was recommended by the medics of the time to the soldiers because of the regeneration.

Iron and other valuable ingredients make the gentian tree one of the most prized herbs on our continent. Despite clinically confirmed medicinal properties, this plant is little known and not very popular in northern European countries. In Crete, infusion with malotiry is a traditional remedy for colds. But this is not the end of its positive properties. Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action prevents the occurrence of many diseases including osteoporosis, hypertension or anemia. This tea lowers the pressure, which significantly improves the functioning of the circulatory system. It also strengthens immunity and at the same time inhibits its development in the case of infection. It also has a soothing effect on the nervous system or digestive system. It is also used for urinary tract infections and rheumatism. There were also tests on the gentian's action in the case of Alzheimer's disease, which showed that regular drinking of infusion from this plant leads to the withdrawal of disease processes.

Nowadays, this plant has been taken under the microscope also by scientists who confirmed its health properties and after carrying out solid research, no contraindications or side effects of its use were found. So it seems that drinking infusions from malotira is worth introducing to your everyday habits by purchasing it in Crete.

Infusion with malotiry

The way of preparation

In the Greek stores you can buy both the whole bush of this plant, and only inflorescences.
Only the most valuable part, i.e. flower shoots, is used to make beverages. The drink can be prepared in two ways. In the case of a cold to hot boiled water, put a few dried malotiry flowers and possibly a small piece of cinnamon stick. Brew brewed under cover for about 4 minutes. Then drain and possibly sweeten with honey.

If you want a stronger effect, prepare a decoction, i.e. cook flowers malotirs flooded for 3-5 minutes. After boiling and straining, you can add a few drops of lemon juice and sweeten with honey. This version will be more intense, you can drink it to strengthen the body.

We always bring malotira from Crete, and in the case of colds and fall chill we test its magical properties. However, if you have not brought it with you in holiday suitcases, we are pleased to report that our favorite store is currently selling Cretan malotira collected in the Lefka Ori mountains. We highly recommend it!

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Marta Vogel
2015-02-05 18:30:42

nie tylko na Krecie ale w całej Grecji ją można znaleźć, a także chociażby w Albanii :)

2015-02-05 19:19:23

Marto oczywiście. Tak jak pisaliśmy w artykule, gojnik jest popularny w całej południowej Europie. Jednak roślina która głównie opisujemy to sideritis syriaca, czyli odmiana gojnika charakterystyczna dla Krety :)

2015-02-05 19:03:53

Znamy. Już nam się kończy, pora jechać na Kretę...

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2015-02-05 19:23:14

My w zeszłym roku zaopatrzyliśmy się w pokaźny woreczek malotiry w sklepie Maravel w Spili. Jeśli nie znasz tego sklepu to zdecydowanie polecamy. Można tam zostawić dowolną ilość gotówki :)

2015-02-06 09:13:53

a co sądzicie o ziołu o nazwie czystek który również rośnie w basenie morza Śródziemnego też w Grecji?

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2015-02-06 19:49:59

Irena Zembroń oczywiście znamy tę roślinę, szerzej pisaliśmy na jej temat w tym artykule:

2015-02-07 12:09:53

Dziękuję i pozdrawiam...idę wypić czystek

2015-02-06 10:30:45

Teraz już znam

2016-09-28 18:01:36

Ale sie cieszę! Przywiozlam malotire niedawno z Krety, tak na sprobowanie, pokochslam ja od pierwszego łyka i martwilam sie, ze nie bede mogla jej nigdzie kupic :-)

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2016-09-28 18:06:05

Jest niepowtarzalna :) pachnie Kretą :)

2016-09-28 19:08:21

Nie próbowałam tej herbatki a na jesień by się mi przydała ☺☺☺i ten zapach Krety ☺☺

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2016-09-28 19:53:12

Polecamy bardzo!

2016-09-28 22:08:36

Jak pachnie Kretą to musze mieć!

Marina Sylwestrowicz
2017-10-25 18:21:07

Jeszcze mam az 4y woreczki

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2017-10-25 18:31:16

My też mamy zawsze solidny zapas. Przy przeziębieniach jak znalazł.

2017-10-25 18:31:12

Ciekawe gdzie można kupić w Polsce?

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2017-10-25 18:33:20

W sklepie

2017-10-25 18:31:44

Ja piję Diktamos, rośnie tylko na Krecie

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2017-10-25 18:32:44

My też lubimy.

2017-10-25 18:33:36

Żona nie lubi, więcej dla mnie

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2017-10-25 18:35:11

:D Też racja.

2017-10-25 18:50:28

Mam! Sprawdza sie przy przeziebieniach i grypach!

2017-10-25 19:52:19

Pychota tellia

2017-10-25 20:22:20

Jak ja ją pamiętam

Anna Evelyn
2017-10-25 21:03:26

Zawsze co roku sama zbieram ...

Anna Evelyn
2017-10-25 21:05:23

A Grecy mówią ze Diktamos to ich wiagra i moj maź tez

2017-10-25 21:56:45

Mam i Diktamos też, najlepsze z miodem tymiankowym

2017-10-26 05:55:04

Mam herbatkę i zioła przywiozłam sobie z Mali

2018-10-15 09:30:46

Zapach Krety podobnie jak Ditrtichia Viscosa

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Inne strony tej kategorii

Feta (Φέτα)

Feta (Φέτα)

Since 2007, the name Feta is protected by international regulations and reserved exclusively for cheeses produced in specific regions of Greece using strictly defined ingredients based on the traditional method of production. Thanks to the regulations introduced in the EU, this name can no longer be used by producers from other EU countries producing "salted cheese in brine". Therefore, since then we can be sure that when buying feta we will reach for the original Greek product that will contain nothing but sheep's milk and possibly goat's, rennet and salt. In the composition of feta, we will not find preservatives or other "enriching" additives because the EU provisions clearly define the characteristics of feta. In addition, the Greeks themselves scrupulously and often control the companies that produce this cheese.

What is not the Mediterranean diet?

What is not the Mediterranean diet?

A few weeks ago, researchers from Greece and Spain dealing with the Mediterranean diet published an article on what the Mediterranean diet is NOT.

Olive Eliam

Olive Eliam

Customers of the store know that they can find here excellent Cretan and Greek oils and many other organic products. We have already written about a very high quality assortment of this store many times. This time we would like to draw your attention to the very high quality of Eliama oil produced by Elli's farm in Agia Barbara in Crete.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

Najnowsze komentarze:

 Kiedyś ponoć tak tu było
 Podobno z tego powodu lokalne władze obawiajac się "zadeptania" zakazały tworzenia kampingów. Tak mówiła nam osoba z Kato Zakros.
 To, że nie ma dużo ludzi , to jego zaleta. Generalnie to zaleta całego Kato Zakros i okolic
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 Byliśmy w zeszłym roku. Robi wrażenie wielkość tego pałacu. Ale zwiedzanie go w godzinach przedpołudniowych, w pełnym słońcu wymaga sporo samozaparcia, dobrego nakrycia głowy i dużej ilości wody do picia. Byliśmy tam w czerwcu i prócz nas nie było nikogo. Z jednej strony szkoda, że to miejsce jest tak mało popularne, a z drugiej... Cisza i spokój okolicy urzeka.
 dzieki,wybieramy sie za 2 tygodnie,tylko wschod,baza w Ierapetra.
gość PiotrWie  My obecnie jesteśmy na Alonissos, wiem że nie jest to jakiś znaczący region uprawy oliwek ale patrząc po drzewach jest całkiem sporo owoców i wydaje nam się że tu jest jakiś inny gatunek - są widocznie większe niż na Krecie 
 rosna z 10 tys lat ,a ci medytuja.
 Co roku te same informacje....
Christian Arnidis - Moja Grecja  A skad informacje i spadku cen oliwy w hurcie? Bo sprowadzam oliwe i az takich spadkow nie widze nigdzie. Bardzie brak oliwy w tloczarniach i u producentow.

Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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