Tirokafteri is a Greek dip made on the basis of feta, excellent for bread or grilled vegetables. The way it is seasoned differs depending on the region of Greece. You can find versions with the addition of garlic, lemon juice, hot pepper or oregano. In the most orthodox version it consists only of feta, olive oil and hot pepper. We liked tirokafteri with the addition of Greek yogurt, which soothes the taste of feta and hot pepper, and at the same time allows you to achieve a much lighter consistency.
Tirokaferi is very simple and quick to cook. It's enough to mix ingredients together and you can already serve it as a meze with delicious bread. We strongly urge you to try this slightly spicy paste.
1. Cut the peppers along, remove seeds, and then chop in a crusher.
2. Of course, feta with yoghurt can be mixed by hand, but it will be much easier to do this with a blender in which we previously chopped the pepper.
3. After pre-mixing the dairy products and peppers into a blender cup, pour in a measured amount of oil and vinegar, then stir again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
4. Put the ready paste into an earthen bowl, which will absorb excess moisture. This is especially important if you plan to store it until the next day.
5. Paste no salt, because a sufficient amount of salt is already in the feta itself. After putting it into a bowl, sprinkle the whole with wild mountain oregano from Crete. This dish tastes best together with fresh bread.
Καλή όρεξη!
Kalitsounia is a quite labor-intensive dish similar to the dumplings. Like them, they can contain various types of filling, both in the salty and sweet versions. However, in contrast to the calitsounia dumplings, they are deeply fried in deep oil or baked in the oven.
Grilled vegetables are often hosted on Greek tables as an addition to larger dishes or as an independent starter. In one of the taverns last year, we enjoyed a grilled pepper stuffed with feta cheese. Delicious and very fast to prepare. It tastes brilliantly combined with ordinary fried potatoes sprinkled with herbs.
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z kalmarami super smakuje :)
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Z kalmarami nigdy nie próbowaliśmy, ale wierzymy na słowo i jak będzie okazja to postaramy się przetestować taką kompozycję :)
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CRETE pycha , polecam :)
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Oj jak bym zjadła....w Polsce nie można niestety kupić tego przysmaku
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Można samemu zrobić. Przepis jest na podlinkowanej stronie :)
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Dzięki :-)wiem, czytałam ale feta w Polsce to nie feta jedyna oryginalna to Mevgala ale jeden kawałeczek kosztuje 12 zł.Trzeba się wybrac w podróż do Ellady mojej drugiej ojczyzny w odwiedziny i znowu poczuć ten klimat to słońce i to jedzenie.
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Z dostępnością oryginalnej greckiej fety w Polsce nie jest już tak źle jak kilka lat temu. W większych miastach na pewno dostaniesz ją bez problemu. Nawet Lidl sprzedaje jeden rodzaj fety w cenie około 7 zł. I zapewniam Cię że niczego zupełnie jej nie brakuje. A z takiej ilości fety (200g) wychodzi całkiem spora ilość tego dipu. :)
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W Krakowie przy ul. Krakowskiej są dwa greckie sklepy, w których jest oryginalna feta.
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