Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

A simple tomato sauce Σάλτσα ντομάτας

A simple tomato sauce in Greek


  • 1/2 kg of tomatoes (or a can of whole tomatoes without skin)
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/4 cup of oil
  • 2 pieces of cinnamon
  • salt pepper

Each kitchen in the world has its own way to tomato sauce, but the most important difference is in the spices that the individual nations spice up the simplest and best of sauces. The variety of spices that are popular in a given region of the world is also landing in a tomato sauce every day. We love tomatoes in absolutely every form, so every day the sauce made from them reigns in different forms.

Greek cuisine is a rather simple cuisine, and the Greeks themselves season their dishes with fresh herbs. We will not find here the richness of flavors that prevail in, for example, Indian cuisine, where the list of ingredients of most dishes opens over a dozen different spices added in the right order. Greeks primarily focus on the freshness and quality of ingredients. The same spices apply rather little, and one of the most commonly used is cinnamon, which can be found not only in the popular mussace, kleftiko, stifado or sweet baklava. We can also find a cinnamon note in tomato sauce. This sauce in the edition of the Greeks is very simple to prepare, its list of ingredients is short, and the rather long cooking time refers rather to the unhurried way of life.

1. Tomatoes should be peeled and cut into small pieces. Only peel the onion and do not cut it into cubes.

2. In a saucepan with a thick bottom put the chopped tomatoes, add the onion, olive oil, cinnamon, salt and pepper.

3. Stew simmer for an hour with stirring from time to time. When the sauce is ready, we remove pieces of cinnamon and onions from it.

A simple tomato sauce in Greek

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Fasolada - perfect soup for the winter

Fasolada - perfect soup for the winter

Fasoláda is a Greek bean soup considered one of the most popular soups of this country. Fantastically suited for winter days, because it is thick, warming and filling. Despite the fact that it is not cooked on meat, and its main ingredients are only vegetables, this soup is delicious, full of flavor and aroma. In our home, it has permanently entered the canon of favorite soups.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce and mastic

Spaghetti with tomato sauce and mastic

Tomato sauce for spaghetti by adding mastic takes on a different taste. Of course, this is not a traditional Greek dish, addition of the recently fashionable mastic makes this dish a part of the canon of contemporary Greek cuisine. Of course, to prepare them, it is necessary to have several crystals of this resin, because without this addition it will be a simple tomato sauce.

Tomato with xinochondros

Tomato with xinochondros

Recently, we wrote about xinochondros, or a specific Cretan product made from wheat grains and sour milk. Today we will present the first method of using xinochondros in a very simple and surprisingly tasty tomato soup. Its bready and slightly sour taste makes it completely different from our soups.


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