Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Kalitsounia with cheese and honey



  • 500 g pack of ricotta or unsalted Greek myzithra cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • about 20 chopped mint leaves
  • cinnamon
  • 500 g flour
  • 1 crushed egg
  • ½ cup of milk
  • ¼ cup of olive oil
  • salt


Kalitsounia is a quite labor-intensive dish similar to the dumplings. Like them, they can contain various types of filling, both in the salty and sweet versions. However, in contrast to the calitsounia dumplings, they are deeply fried in deep oil or baked in the oven.

A version with cheese and honey for the first time we ate in a secluded tavern on the Nida Plateau. Already at the time of frying this dish promised to be promising, but their taste was really delicious and exceeded our expectations. So we asked the Greek woman who prepared it for the preparation details. The combination of cheese, mint, honey and cinnamon is so unearthly that for a moment you can forget about how much caloric this dish is.

It is best to fry Kalitsounia quite briefly in deep oil, so that the dough turns golden. Long frying in our opinion causes that they become too hard. The original recipe requires unsalted myzithra cheese, but unfortunately in Poland you may have problems buying it. As a replacement you can use Italian ricotta.

More than 40 calories can be prepared from the proportions of the dough given in the recipe. Of course, however, it all depends on how much you roll out the dough and how big the pieces will be cut. Part of the portion can be left to fry the other day. Kalitsounia will not lose their quality.

Preparation of chops

1. In the bowl, prepare the filling: thoroughly mix the cheese, chopped fresh mint, ground cinnamon and sugar.

2. Preparation of the dough begins with the mixing of oil, eggs and milk. Then gradually add the flour and salt, and then make it so that a smooth and elastic dough is formed.

Preparation of the sauce

3. Divide the dough into several parts, each thinly rolled out. Using a mold or a fairly wide glass, cut the circles, and put the unused sections to re-roll.

4. For each piece of cake, put a small spoon of stuffing. Do not overdo it with its quantity, because during the frying dumplings can open. The stuck edges of the dough can still be formed into characteristic cloves with a fork, while we used a ravioli to which we simply cut the edges.

5. Fry the kalistounia gradually in a deeply hot oil. In our opinion, it is enough to fry them until the cake becomes golden. After frying, drain them on paper towels with excess oil and put on plates. Pour the dish over with honey and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

Καλή όρεξη!


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2015-01-30 20:23:23

O kurde....nie jadłem

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2015-01-30 20:54:50

To polecamy :) W tawernie na płaskowyżu Nida są w mistrzowskim wydaniu. Tylko nie szukaj ich tam pod nazwą Kalitsounia, tylko pie with cheese and honey (czy jakoś tak).

2015-01-31 06:08:41

Hmmm sezonowe danie.... musi być pyszne.... szkoda, że nie da się kupić mrożonej miętki :(

2016-02-26 22:36:18

Też próbowałam. Pychota.


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FETA FURNACE (Φέτα ψητή)

FETA FURNACE (Φέτα ψητή)

Feta from the oven is a great way for a quick and very tasty dish that will appeal to fry-eaters and lovers of Greek cuisine. The absolute condition of success is the use of the original Greek fete and not the Polish substitute, which has nothing to do with real feta. As with other dishes, there are several ways to prepare feta from the oven. If the dish is to fulfill the task of a snack, we only need one feta packet for 2 people.

Pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese

Pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese

Although many people avoid street food, we, for our part, encourage you to use such places in Greece. Your particular interest should be aroused by places where there are swarms of local Greeks. And do not worry about how this place looks like, the oilcloth on the tables and a collection of not-perfect-looking chairs can be a harbinger of tasty (albeit not always cheap) food. Of course, choose with your head and wisely, rather we advise against all kinds of hamburgers, ice cream shops and small gastronomy based on continental quick delicacies. However, places offering products based on fragments of local cuisine can turn out to be really interesting discoveries. This is how we discovered pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese.

Saganaki cheese

Saganaki cheese

Fried saganaki cheese is one of the most popular mezes that can be found in Greek taverns. It is an extremely tasty, but filling and salty snack. When ordering it in a tavern or preparing it yourself, you must also remember that it is a real caloric bomb.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

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 Bardzo dobra decyzja.

Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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