With this very simple and tasty salad, we met for the first time in the Sfakia region of Crete. To prepare it you need a small amount of ingredients, and the effect is great. The basic ingredient here is a certain bean known as 'black eye' with a very distinctive appearance. It is very popular in the world, unfortunately with the exception of Poland, therefore you may have a problem with buying it. The Greek salad is also prepared in an analogous way on the basis of other types of beans such as plain white, large Jasia, lentils or chickpeas. So if you do not manage to buy a black bean, you can simply reach for one of these ingredients.
Regardless of whether you decide on beans, lentils or chickpeas, the best and tastiest result you will get in a dried form, which should be pre-soaked and boiled. In a few stores you can find a black bean in cans, but the taste is slightly different from dried ones.
1. Beans should be poured in cold water and allowed to soak overnight for soaking. Then, pour out the water and rinse the beans thoroughly.
2. After refreshing with cold water, simmer the beans until they are soft.
3. Pour the drained beans into the bowl and mix together with the remaining ingredients finely chopped onion and parsley. Season them with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
4. Add juice from half a lemon and olive oil. Greeks give their salads oil very much, so let's not save too :)
This traditional salad is the basis in any Greek tavern. On the menu you will find it under the popular name of Greek Salad or Horiatiki. It is simple to make and very tasty. The only condition for its successful preparation is very fresh and ripe vegetables.
Recently, we had the opportunity to eat cauliflower in the form of a salad prepared in a Cretan way. Onions added to cooking neutralized some of its aroma and flavor, making it more mild. Cretan olive oil, parsley and lemon complemented the taste.
This is one of our favorite salads of Greek cuisine. Along with the appearance of the young bean on sale, we absorb a lot of it. For a salad to come out tasty beans must be young, so in our latitude we can enjoy it for a very short time.
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jeśli się nie mylę, to jest od dziś w Lidlu
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Nie mylisz się, ale w Lidlu nie sprzedają fasoli suszonej tylko w słoiku. Po bliższym obejrzeniu zawartości nie zdecydowaliśmy się na zakup. Zawartość wyglądała dość dziwnie :/ Lepiej kupić suszoną choćby w arabskim sklepie albo użyć zwykłej drobnej białej fasolki.
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Naprawdę smaczna!!!
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Wiadomo.......najlepsze w Grecji i tylko tam tak smakuje.
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Bo tam mają najlepsze warzywa i owoce pod słońcem :)
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prosze o oryginalna nazwę tej sałatki. dzięki
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Μαυροµάτικα φασόλια σαλάτα.
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CRETE - Kreta evxristo poli :)
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We have this kind of fasoli in Cyprus as well and is very tasty cooked with green vegetables and served with olive oil and lemon
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Katarzyna Lesiewicz if you decide to come to Cyprus I will cook for you!!!
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Maro Americanou great!! Thank you and I will visit you maybe soon
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You are welcome ! Looking forward to meeting you!!!
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