Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Stuffed peppers and tomatoes

Stuffed pepper


  • 2 big red peppers
  • 2 tomatoes (optional spare)
  • 2 table spoons of pine nuts
  • olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1 large onion finely chopped
  • 100 g rice for risotto
  • 1 teaspoon of dried mountain oregano
  • 1 fresh chilli pepper, finely chopped, devoid of seeds
  • sea ​​salt
  • freshly ground pepper
  • 200 g of Greek feta
  • finely chopped bunch of fresh parsley
  • finely chopped small bunch of fresh mint (only leaves)
  • 1 tablespoon tomato puree
  • 500 ml vegetable broth
  • quite deep heat-resistant vessel, aluminum foil

I have never had a good opinion about stuffed vegetables. I always associated them with a bland and not very tasty dish. Until I came across a Greek way to prepare stuffing. The proportions and its ingredients are excellent, so stuffed peppers for good has settled on our table. The Greeks have once again proved that they know how fantastic vegetables can be made.
The dish needs a large number of ingredients, but their compilation tastes great, so you should not eliminate any. In case you get some stuffing, you can use it to stuff tomatoes. It will also be good, although the pepper works better due to the specific, distinctive taste. As in the case of other dishes in which feta occurs, do not use its Polish or German substitutes, because these cheeses taste completely different than the original Greek feta, which combined with a large amount of herbs clearly enliven the taste of the dish.

1. We start with the preparation of peppers. Cut them along without cutting off the stalks and remove the seed seats. Halves of the peppers should be placed quite tightly in a casserole with the cut side up.

2. Peanuts should be put on a small pan and irrigated with stirring once in a while, so that they do not burn. The nuts must clearly turn brown and become crunchy.

3. On a large pan, warm up 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and throw chopped onion and garlic, which fry until softened, making sure that they do not start to brown. Then pour the rice into the pan, chopped chili peppers, season with oregano, salt and pepper. Mix everything, pour half of the prepared portion of broth and cook for about 8-10 minutes, systematically stirring so that the rice does not start sticking to the bottom. After this time, the stuffing pan should be removed from the heat and add the rest of ingredients: crumbled feta, browned pine nuts and chopped herbs. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.

4. Fill the halves of the peppers to the brim with prepared filling. Do not apply more stuffing, because rice will still increase its volume. If we get some stuffing, we can fill it with tomatoes. In tomatoes, cut off the upper part and delicately using a teaspoon, hollow them from the pulp.

5. After applying the filling, pour the halves of peppers and tomatoes with olive oil. This can not be omitted because the stuffing after baking will be too dry. Tomatoes are covered with cut tops.

6. In a separate container for the remaining vegetable broth, add a tablespoon of tomato puree, mix thoroughly and pour into the bottom of a casserole, in which the peppers and / or tomatoes lie.

7. The dish must be tightly covered with aluminum foil and then placed in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 75 minutes. After baking, we serve hot vegetables preferably accompanied by a glass of white wine.

Stuffed peppers

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gość hanna
2015-01-25 20:38:48

faszerowane pomidory

Najpyszniejsze faszerowane pomidory jadłam w tawernie przy elafonisi, byly po prostu doskonale przyprawione i połączone z ziołami, mega aromatyczne, gdzie indziej nie były już takie dobre. 

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Kolokithokeftedes - cutlets of zucchini and potatoes

Kolokithokeftedes - cutlets of zucchini and potatoes

Zucchini cutlets is a great way to have a less traditional dinner or a great snack. They are served with tzatziki sauce, which is their perfect complement. Unfortunately, it is prepared quite labor-intensive, however, their luscious slightly mint flavor rewards the preparation. They tolerate heating well, so you can eat it the other day.

Baked potatoes with oregano and lemon

Baked potatoes with oregano and lemon

Baked lightly crunchy potatoes are very popular in Greek houses. It is an excellent addition to various dishes of meat or fish. For their preparation we need three basic ingredients that are added to most Greek dishes: olive oil, lemon juice and oregano. Slowly baked potatoes absorb a lemon aroma that is slightly palpable while eating.

Gigantes Plaki

Gigantes Plaki

Gigantes Plaki is a popular Greek dish, which consists of a large bean baked in a tomato and herb sauce. Perhaps some of you during your holiday have already had the opportunity to try this delicious and filling meal. If not, it is worth to prepare them at home. It should also appeal to vegetarians, because vegetables prepared according to Greek recipes are full of flavor and very aromatic.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

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