Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Eggplant with feta cheese

Eggplant with feta cheese


  • 1 spore eggplant
  • 200 g fete
  • can of tomatoes or 5-6 fresh
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • oil
  • salt pepper
  • a pinch of dried oregano
  • bunch of parsley

Eggplants are a popular ingredient of Greek dishes and can be found in flagship dishes such as moussaka or briam. The main role of aubergines also play in papoutsakia, imam bayildi and melitzanosalata. For these tasty dishes you need to add another Greek way to prepare this vegetable, or eggplant with feta.

1. Eggplants should be cut along, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. After this time, when the vegetables are allowed to juice, rinse them under running water and dry them well with paper towels.

2. Warm the oil in a frying pan and put the aubergine halves. We fry each of them from both sides until the skin turns slightly brown.

3. While the eggplant is fried, prepare a sauce on a separate pan. We put the garlic pressed through the press on hot oil and fry it for no more than a minute. Then add either canned tomatoes or fresh grated vegetables. Season the whole with salt, pepper and oregano and fry until some of the water evaporates, and the sauce itself will become quite thick.

4. Just before the end of frying, add chopped parsley and some crumbled feta to the tomatoes and mix the ingredients.

5. Put fried aubergines into a small ovenproof dish sprinkled with olive oil, arranging them with a cross-section up. The size of the dish should be chosen so that the aubergines do not tip over.

6. Put the sauce on each half of aubergine and finally sprinkle with the rest of the crumbled feta.

7. Put the dish in the oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake until the eggplant is soft. It usually takes about 30-40 minutes.

We serve the dish hot.

Καλή όρεξη!

Eggplant with feta cheese

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2017-10-27 19:53:09


2017-10-27 21:54:30

2017-10-28 05:44:52

2017-10-30 21:45:16

są też na Krecie miejsca gdzie karmią tak...

2019-11-25 20:18:16

Jak nazywa sie to danie po grecku?

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2019-11-25 21:01:20

Μελιτζάνες στο φούρνο με φέτα albo po prostu Μελιτζάνα με φέτα.

2019-11-25 22:56:40


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Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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