Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese

Pancakes With Spinach and feta


    (proportions about roughly 12 pancakes)
  • 500-550 g of defrosted or fresh spinach leaves
  • 200-300 g of the original Greek feta
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 bunches of dill
  • salt pepper
  • olive oil
  • a lot of curry

One hundred chieri, or Greek dish in hand

Although many people avoid street food, we, for our part, encourage you to use such places in Greece. Your particular interest should be aroused by places where there are swarms of local Greeks. And do not worry about how this place looks like, the oilcloth on the tables and a collection of not-perfect-looking chairs can be a harbinger of tasty (albeit not always cheap) food. Of course, choose with your head and wisely, rather we advise against all kinds of hamburgers, ice cream shops and small gastronomy based on continental quick delicacies. However, places offering products based on fragments of local cuisine can turn out to be really interesting discoveries. This is how we discovered pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese.

1. The recipe for this dish is quite easy. First you have to fry the right amount of pancakes. Everyone usually has their own recipe for a successful pancake cake and if you have one, use it. However, we have little attention if you add sugar to the pancakes, but this time give it up. Pancakes must be dry, add a bit of salt to the dough, this way they will be much more suited to the filling.

2. The preparation of stuffing begins with the preparation of onions. Of course, we fry it in olive oil until it softens, it is important not to shorten this process, because too raw (hard) onion will be too distinct from the spinach.

3. For stuffing we can use fresh or frozen spinach leaves (of course, it must be previously thawed and drained from excess water), which we add to the previously prepared onion. The whole fry until the spinach warms up and softens. At the end, add a finely chopped dill and season with salt and pepper to taste. In this way, the base of pancake filling is ready.

4. We can start to stuff pancakes. Earlier, however, we are rubbing the feta cheese using the largest skins. You can use any method of folding pancakes, but we kept the original way in which the Greek made them. We start with folding the pancake in half and then in the middle part of the half, place a small cake from spinach stuffing (it should be about 1/3 of a folded pancake). Spread the stuffing stuffed with feta cheese and then sprinkle it with profusion, which you can not really regret. It may seem strange that the Indian curry is applicable in the Greek street food and we were also surprised by this fact, but believe us, the curry really turns up the dish. The Greek who prepared us these pancakes did not spare this spice and it came out delicious, so let's stick to it as well.

5. Finishing the pancake finish by closing his envelope. For this purpose, put the side parts of the remaining area on the stuffing, and then press them. Finally, you should get cones like in the picture above. If the description is not very clear then look at the above pictures, I think that they will say much more than text.

6. Finally, the finished pancakes should be put back in the pan, frying them a few minutes until the formation of a delicate golden skin on the pancakes. If you use a pan that has non-stick coatings, we recommend heating pancakes on an almost dry pan, the surface of which has been optionally rubbed with oil or oil. From our own experience, we can still suggest that the pancake is best fried first with a seam.

This dish spotted in one of the Greek bar "windows" permanently appeared in our menu. Its plus is also that it works perfectly in reheated form. The excess number of pancakes you will use during dinner on one of the following days, you can safely store in the fridge.

Pancakes With Spinach and feta

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gość Ninka
2014-06-29 15:14:05

wyglada bajecznie

Musze spróbować, ale wyglada bajecznie. Ja uwielbiam grecką kuchnię. Pracowałam w Grecji i gotowałam z Greczynkami.

Na Kretę lecę w ostatni dzień sierpnia.

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