Greek cuisine is associated with simplicity. Ingredients that Greeks need to prepare a tasty meal is always only as much as needed. That's the recipe for fried fish in a lemon marinade. It is devoid of unnecessary muffins that only obscure the taste and add unnecessary calories. Especially since fresh fish, which is a standard in Crete, do not need any unnecessary additives. A similar motto is also guided by Italians and residents of other countries located in the Mediterranean.
This recipe can be used for both high-end fish such as tuna, swordfish or salmon, but also for example redfish.
1. Put dried fillets into a flat dish, then sprinkle them with salt and freshly ground pepper, sprinkle with a spoon of olive oil and lemon juice. Then, after covering, put in a fridge for at least one hour.
2. Warm the remaining oil in a pan and fry the fish on it depending on the thickness of the fillet from 3 to 8 minutes on each side. The fish must be soft, but it must not be fried because it will be too dry.
3. After frying the fish is drained on towels with unnecessary fat and served with hot sprinkled lemon juice.
4. A good addition will be skordalia or tzatziki as well as fried or boiled potatoes.
Cod fried in dough served with skordalia - garlic paste - is a dish usually served in Greece on Independence Day. Traditionally, it is made of salted cod, because in the interior of the Greek land it was difficult to find raw fresh fish. In Poland, you probably will not buy this fish in this form so all you need is fresh, regular Atlantic cod. Thick pieces of meat will be the best to make this dish. An additional advantage of cod is its low calorific value, as well as low fat content, which makes this fish perfectly suitable for frying.
Small pieces of fish dipped in batter and fried in deep oil is a delicious and quick way to prepare fish in an unusual way in our country. In Greece, this dish is very popular and served, for example, with skordalią - Greek garlic sauce. The dough draws all the smells from the fish and emphasizes the delicacy of the meat. Fish with white thick meat such as monkfish, cod or ordinary miruna are the best for frying.
Garides saganaki or shrimp baked in tomato sauce with feta cheese is one of the most famous Greek dishes. It will especially appeal to the lovers of these crustaceans. A thick tomato sauce with sunken shrimps, sprinkled with feta cheese and parsley is served with a good bread, which will perfectly remove the remains of the sauce. Although the dish is easy to make, it is necessary to reserve some time to prepare it. A large part of it will be devoted to cleansing shrimps.
Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich kretomaniaków z Cypru. Tu jest teraz jak na Krecie we wrześniu. woda w morzu tak ciepła że się nie chce wychodzić. Nawet jazda samochodem pod prąd okazała się nie taka straszna. Jedyny minus to to, że ciemno robi się o 17. My próbujemy przestawić czas samodzielnie - chodzimy spać o 22 a wstajemy o 6
Piotr dzięki za pozdrowienia. Domyślam się, że czas na Cyprze spędzacie bardzo aktywnie :)
Trochę zwiedzamy i trochę chodzimy - tutejsze szlaki są zdecydowanie łatwiejsze i lepiej oznakowane niż na Krecie- wiemy gdzie będziemy jeździć jak już nie damy rady chodzić po szlakach Krety. Kościoły z freskami są zdecydowanie lepiej zachowane niż Panagia Kera w Kritsie.
ryba i cytryna
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Smacznej brrr Bardzo Kwaśnej Cytryny życzy Wam
Polak i Słowianin Piotr Przybecki
Grecy dodają cytrynę do bardzo wielu potraw, bo taka jest specyfika ich kuchni a cytryny rosną na drzewach pod oknami, więc są dostępne na wyciągnięcie ręki. Mało tego potrafią po prostu zjeść cytrynę jak pomarańczę. Nie jedzą łososia, tylko ryby pływające w okolicznych wodach. No ale najłatwiej krytykować kuchnię i zwyczaje innych ludzi zupełnie się na tym nie znając. Proszę pozostać przy Bałtyku, polskim mielonym i słowiańskich ograniczeniach.
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