Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Drinks and alcoholic drinks

Every island and region of Greece is famous for its local alcoholic products. In Crete, most often we meet ouzo, cycludia, or raki, retisna or homemade rakomelo. Cretan crayfish also produce for themselves, just like wine.In Greece, you must try Greek coffee (elliniká kafe and frappe), as well as freshly squeezed juice from fine oranges.

Retsina, and step towards the future

Retsina, and step towards the future

Restsina is one of the most characteristic drinks served in Greece. Opinions about its expressive taste are usually very divided and most often form part of the scheme that either hates or loves it. It is worth knowing that for some time, due to some producers, this image has undergone some changes. Conscientiously prepared retsina based on carefully grown grapes can be a wine that is not only delicious for most people but also a perfect complement to Greek dishes.

Tsikoudia - raki in Crete

Tsikoudia - raki in Crete

Crayfish is widely available in Crete and even in the smallest supermarket you can easily find this alcohol on the shelves. Typically, these are local "brands" that were distilled on site. Cretans are happy to treat tourists and guests with this drink. In traditional taverns, glasses of raki often appear after a meal.

Tincture from the Cretan purée

Tincture from the Cretan purée

Cretan cleanse is a plant that has recently gained considerable publicity and popularity. It is worth mentioning that drinking the infusion from the dried leaves of this plant does not allow you to enjoy the fullness of its healing power. The vast majority of substances that are characterized by strong antiseptic and anticancer effects are not soluble in water. A much better way is to make a tincture based on about 60% alcohol. The recipe for its preparation can be found below.

Frappe - sweet with milk (glykó me gála)

Frappe - sweet with milk (glykó me gála)

Frappe is easy to prepare and ideal for hot weather. To prepare it in home conditions, a shaker is enough for a simple jar. To make the coffee dissolve well in cold water, it is worth choosing the one that has the form of a small powder.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

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Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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