Okra or bam it is a very popular vegetable in Crete. Unfortunately, it is rarely available in Poland. If, however, you find it somewhere somewhere when choosing a coat, first of all do not follow the principle "the bigger the better." In the case of okra it is quite the opposite. Large and grown specimens are bast, hard and distasteful. In our opinion, you should not choose longer pods than 6-7 cm. And the best to prepare and at the same time the tastiest will be really small pieces up to 5 cm long.
This will be our next recipe for making this vegetable. It seems to us that the okra baked in the oven in a larger amount of oil is much better than the cooked one. It tastes good both prepared freshly and reheated the next day.
1. First, cut off the hard ends of the okra (that is, these funny hats) and spray the wine vinegar neatly. Then pour in salted water and leave for 0.5 - 1 hour. In this way, get rid of sticky juice, which would change the consistency of the dish. After this time, the collar is drained and rinsed thoroughly under running water.
2. Warm up half the oil in a frying pan. For glazing, fry the finely chopped onion, to which we then add the tomatoes. If we use tomatoes in a can, it is worth to fragment them beforehand. However, when we add fresh tomatoes to the dish, we first peel them from the skin and then chop the dice. In this option, it is also worth adding 2 tablespoons tomato puree and about half a cup of water to the sauce.
3. Season the sauce with salt, pepper and a small amount of sugar. Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
4. While the sauce is boiling, boil the water in a separate pot and put on the boiling water for 5 minutes. Then drain the pods and transfer to the bottom of the ovenproof dish.
5. Pour the prepared tomato sauce over the collar, sprinkle with chopped parsley and cover with tomato slices. Pour the remaining oil over the remaining oil.
6. Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. When baking, do not mix it so that the okra does not lose its shape.
The prepared dish can be served with crushed feta cheese. We serve the dish with good bread, retsina or wine :)
Baked lightly crunchy potatoes are very popular in Greek houses. It is an excellent addition to various dishes of meat or fish. For their preparation we need three basic ingredients that are added to most Greek dishes: olive oil, lemon juice and oregano. Slowly baked potatoes absorb a lemon aroma that is slightly palpable while eating.
Although the recipe for kolokithokeftedes has been on our site for a long time, we decided to publish the second version of the recipe. Kolokithokeftedes in this way we ate recently with our Cretan friends. Pancakes prepared in this way have tasted us so much that we asked for a way of preparing :)
Italian Fennel is a common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. In Greek cuisine, its characteristic slightly aniseed flavor can be found, among others, in sensational kaltsouni and pitta casseroles. Today we would like to share with you the recipe for pitto with Italian fennel.
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Świeża okra w Polsce?
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Świeża :)
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Gdzie ?
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W Lidlu była.5 zł za 100g
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Ja widzialam w Lidlu we Wroclawiu z 2 tyg temu tylko nigdy tego nie jadlam wiec sie nie skusilam na zakup ale jak jeszcze bedzie to w razie co mam przepis z linku
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Na zdjęciu wygląda bardzo apetycznie! Jeszcze nigdy jej nie zapiekałam, a jedynie gotowałam. Muszę spróbować w ten sposób! P.S. Można je dostać w PL w dobrych zieleniakach, u mnie są dostępne prawie cały rok, ale cena zabójcza od 45 w sezonie do ponad 60 zł za kg poza sezonem.
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Gotowanie okry to chyba najbardziej popularny sposób. Wersja zapiekana jest teoretycznie podobna do gotowanej bo składniki są przecież te same. Nam jednak wersja z piekarnika wydała się o wiele smaczniejsza, delikatniejsza.
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To było przepyszne, Moja CRETE - Kreta
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A mnie to nie smakuje ... Ale w Ludlu też widziałam ;)
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Podobno bamies się albo lubi albo nie :) bo jest nieco specyficzne.
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