Fava is a popular appetizer in Greece somewhat similar to hummus, but unlike it, it is made from yellow-skinned peas. Fava is easy to prepare and can be served both hot and cold, for example with good bread or vegetables. It also tastes fresh after preparation. And after cooling, you can store it in the fridge for a few days. The proportions that I give in the recipe are enough to prepare a medium-sized bowl.
1. The preparation of the fava begins with soaking the peas. After a few hours, drain it and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then, place the peas in a pot and pour water so that its level reaches 1-1.5 cm above the pea level. We add bay leaves.
2. Fry chopped onions (and possibly garlic) in olive oil until they are glazed and add to the pea pot. Peas cook over low heat under cover for 1-1½ hours until tender, stirring once in a while.
3. At the end of cooking, the peas will begin to overcook and disintegrate. If it absorbs all liquid before the end of cooking, add some hot water. At the end, remove the bay leaves and season with salt and pepper.
4. Mix the cooked peas with a blender. When mixing, add about 1/3 of the cup of olive oil and lemon juice. We translate into a bowl, sprinkle with a pinch of oregano and optionally pour it over with olive oil.
It can be served with finely chopped onion or parsley.
The best to prepare will be big meaty black Greek olives called throubes. Alternatively, you can use the more popular kalamata variety. However, if you can not use whole olives, you can use the finished paste as we wrote above. However, it should be noted that the list of ingredients is as short as possible and devoid of E-chemistry.
Greek cheese balls fried in deep oil, probably some of you know from vacation journeys. The Greeks serve them with lemon, which emphasizes the taste of melted cheeses. The rich composition of the taste is thanks to the three cheeses from which they are made. Slightly spicy salty feta, sweet and soft Gouda and mature cheddar complement each other, but their flavor can be enriched by adding herbs, such as mint. This tasty snack is unfortunately a good calorie bomb, so if someone counts calories, Tirokroketes will not be a good choice.
Insane taste, cheerful green, eye-catching young bean paste is one of the simple and quick to prepare meze
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Witam, a znacie jakiś przepis na koktajl z wykorzystaniem ouzo? :-)
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Koktajl to nie ale my mieszamy ouzo z colą i lodem. :)
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E tam, my tradycyjnie w kieliszku kreteńskim kupiliśmy w Agios fajny zestaw
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Grecy też się krzywią na taką mieszankę, ale to serio wchodzi dobre :D
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