Cauliflower is not the most grateful vegetable to cook. Does not smell good when cooking and has a rather specific taste. In our latitude, it is also served without unnecessary finesse.
Recently, we had the opportunity to eat this vegetable in the form of a salad prepared in a Cretan way. By adding the onions while cooking, its taste changed to a slightly more mild. Cauliflower served in this way is a good snack or addition to the main course.
1. Divide the cauliflower into small florets, thoroughly wash and pour cold water in a pot. For cooking, add two peeled onions and cook until the cauliflower will be soft.
2. Then cast water, throw the onion and put the cauliflower into a larger bowl. Pour a good amount of good olive oil, sprinkle strongly with lemon juice and salt.
3. Finally sprinkle finely chopped parsley and serve.
Καλή όρεξη!
With this very simple and tasty salad, we met for the first time in the Sfakia region of Crete. To prepare it you need a small amount of ingredients, and the effect is great. The basic ingredient here is a certain bean called black eye with a very distinctive appearance.
This traditional salad is the basis in any Greek tavern. On the menu you will find it under the popular name of Greek Salad or Horiatiki. It is simple to make and very tasty. The only condition for its successful preparation is very fresh and ripe vegetables.
Halloumi cheese is one of our favorite Greek products. When grilled, it is an excellent snack and addition to other mezes. Recently, while studying our new acquisition, Vefa Alexiadou's lucky book on Greek cuisine, we found a new way to serve halloumi cheese.
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