Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

The history and advantages of Frappe

Before we bring you the advantages of Frappe, it is worth to briefly describe the history of this very popular drink. To this end, we must go back in time until 1957 until the day when the International Fair in Thessaloniki was held, in which one of the participants was the company Giannis Dritsas presenting new Nestle products. One of them was a chocolate instant drink for children, which, mixed with cold milk, was supposed to be this year's hit of the season.


For Dimitrios Vakondios, one of the employees of this company, as for most Greeks, a break from work was equivalent to drinking one cup of coffee. Unfortunately, however, today's day was quite different from the typical daily routine. In those days, the popularity of coffee machines was negligible, and it was impossible to get boiling water necessary to make coffee during the fair.

Dimitrios, however, did not give up too quickly and with what he had at hand he decided to prepare an adult coffee drink. Using a shaker, he made a mixture of cold water, ice cubes and instant coffee. That was the moment when Frappe was born.

Today, after dozens of years, this drink is popular not only in Greece, but also around the world. After frappe (φραπές), we are particularly happy to reach hot days, which are not difficult in the south of Europe. Many people at Frappe appreciate the opportunity to combine their passion for coffee with the refreshing effects of cold water and ice. Iced coffee is also a great way to stimulate the body, because a typical glass of this drink contains from 65 to about 100mg of caffeine. This substance allows you to reduce the feeling of tiredness and increases our readiness for increased effort. Coffee, like green tea, is also an excellent source of antioxidants that stop the aging process and fight free radicals.

Unlike other coffees, Frappe is perfect as a liquid supplement. A typical portion of iced coffee is about 200-240 ml of water. The classic version of Frappe does not require the addition of milk, cream or ice cream, so it can certainly be added to the group of diet drinks.

When looking after Frappe, remember, however, not to exceed the recommended daily doses of caffeine. Most health and nutrition organizations recognize that daily use of caffeine should not exceed 400 mg.

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Cretan cleanse, or the power of Labdanum

Cretan cleanse, or the power of Labdanum

Purge belongs to a group of plants that are sometimes also called rock roses. Usually, these are small evergreen shrubs that are intensely covered with flowers during flowering. The area of ​​occurrence of these plants is the southern part of Europe, characterized by a moderate climate - mainly the area of ​​the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins. Many of the 120 species of these plants are also found in the area of ​​both Americas.

Stamnagathi, or another healing plant from Crete

Stamnagathi, or another healing plant from Crete

We are not surprised by the fact that many plants growing in Crete have healing properties. In the pages of our site we have written many times about the unusual properties of malotiry, dictamus, purge or oregano. This time, we read that the scientists took another Cretan endemic plant under the microscope. Stamnagathi is a chicory variety growing in the wilderness of the Omalos plateau and the White Mountains. Currently, it is also grown by some garden farms.

Recipes of Greek cuisine

Recipes of Greek cuisine

Coming back from a holiday in Crete, we bring with us a tan, many pictures and a bag of beautiful memories connected with visiting this charming corner of Greece. However, holidays in Crete are not only breathtaking landscapes, sun or monuments, but also a feast for the palate. Greeks know how to appreciate the multitude of fresh vegetables and fruits, which is why even the simplest dish tastes great there. Greek cuisine shows that very little food would have to be made from simple ingredients. It is also worth remembering that in many scientific studies the local diet has been recognized as one of the healthiest and most sustainable in the world. Greek cuisine can make eating vegetables a pleasure. One thing is for sure, our taste buds were probably born in Crete, because the local cuisine won over our hearts or stomachs.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe


Najnowsze komentarze:

Gosia | : O tutaj:
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gość PiotrWie : Nam się podoba - może znowu da się jeździć na Kretę. Miłośników leżaków zapraszamy z powrotem na północne wybrzeże.
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Gosia | : Bardzo się cieszymy :) Sami też mamy często takie spostrzeżenia w tawernach :D
Czerwiec to wg mnie najlepszy czas na wakacje np. w Grecji czy Chorwacji. Ze względu na bombelki, staramy się wyjeżdżać w ostatnim tygodniu czerwca. Choć byłem na Krecie w 2021r. w drugim tygodniu lipca to pogoda była idealna, a spotkałem naszych rodaków, którzy będąc w czerwcu mieli wówczas straszne upały.

Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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