Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Young bean paste

Young bean paste


  • 300 gr of a young broad bean
  • 1 small or half medium mild onion
  • Salt pepper
  • olive oil

Insane taste, cheerful green, eye-catching young bean paste is one of the simple and quick to prepare meze. Served with a piece of good bread is the quintessence of summer. You have to hurry with it because a young, good broad bean disappears quickly. This paste is so good that you will miss it the following summer. An alternative to autumn may be dried bean paste , but it already has a slightly different taste, and the color is not so inviting.

The biggest challenge is to balance the taste well. So you can not overdo it with the amount of onion so that the paste does not acquire a characteristic onion flavor. Onions only have a slight curl and do not dominate the delicate broad beans. Therefore, if you do not know how much to add, it is better to give less at the beginning and after testing the taste, if necessary add some more.

The last important ingredient is good olive oil, that is, slightly peppery, distinct in taste.

And if anyone would like to experiment with a young broad bean then we recommend the recipe for a tasty broad bean salad .

1. Beans should be cooked in salted water until soft.

2. After cooking, drain the water, wait for a while to cool a little and peel off the shells.

3. Grate the onion on a fine-mesh grater. After the clash, no chips should be visible, only onion pulp. Onions in this form will perfectly blend into the consistency of the paste.

4. Transfer broad beans and onions to the chopper, lightly salt and add some freshly ground pepper. We pour in about 2 tablespoons of oil and start mixing. The paste should have a smooth and slightly fluffy consistency. If, after trying, it is too dry, add more oil and mix again.

5. And that's it. You can already enjoy this unique taste.

Καλή όρεξη!

Young bean paste

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2020-07-16 11:55:00

SUPER !!!!! Mysle, ze moglaby tez robic za "pesto" do makaronu !

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2020-07-16 12:21:58

Tego nie próbowaliśmy. Musiałaby być znacznie rzadsza, z większą zawartością oliwy.

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Grilled halloumi cheese (Χαλούμι)

Grilled halloumi cheese (Χαλούμι)

Halloumi cheese comes from Cyprus, where its average consumption per capita is 8 kg per year. It is a white, semi-hard cheese made from unpasteurised sheep's milk, from a mixture of sheep and goats, possibly with the addition of cow's milk. Halloumi taste is sometimes enriched with the addition of mint.

Pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese

Pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese

Although many people avoid street food, we, for our part, encourage you to use such places in Greece. Your particular interest should be aroused by places where there are swarms of local Greeks. And do not worry about how this place looks like, the oilcloth on the tables and a collection of not-perfect-looking chairs can be a harbinger of tasty (albeit not always cheap) food. Of course, choose with your head and wisely, rather we advise against all kinds of hamburgers, ice cream shops and small gastronomy based on continental quick delicacies. However, places offering products based on fragments of local cuisine can turn out to be really interesting discoveries. This is how we discovered pancakes stuffed with spinach and feta cheese.

Tirokafteri with roasted peppers

Tirokafteri with roasted peppers

Tirokafteri is a popular addition to bread or pita, which can also be obtained in a tavern as meze. It can be described as a Greek paste made of feta cheese and paprika.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

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Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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