Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Fish and seafood

Fresh fish and seafood on the Greek islands are always available and commonly eaten. The richness of the Mediterranean makes it possible to taste There are many different species of fish prepared in different ways, while the squid or octopus are among the most consumed seafood and are included in the standards of home cooking.

Peppers stuffed with calamari

Peppers stuffed with calamari

The regulars of Crete and Greece know the gemista dish well, ie stuffed peppers, zucchini or tomatoes. This great tasty dish can be prepared both in the vegetarian version and with meat. In both cases it is just as delicious.

Garides saganaki

Garides saganaki

Garides saganaki or shrimp baked in tomato sauce with feta cheese is one of the most famous Greek dishes. It will especially appeal to the lovers of these crustaceans. A thick tomato sauce with sunken shrimps, sprinkled with feta cheese and parsley is served with a good bread, which will perfectly remove the remains of the sauce. Although the dish is easy to make, it is necessary to reserve some time to prepare it. A large part of it will be devoted to cleansing shrimps.

Dorada from the oven with lemon and rosemary

Dorada from the oven with lemon and rosemary

Dorada is a delicious fish popular in Mediterranean cuisine, including Greek cuisine. The extraordinary taste of its juicy but firm meat makes them the easier way to prepare, the more we will be able to enjoy its qualities. The inspiration was always provided by Greek cuisine. Southerners know very well that fresh fish do not need too many treatments to taste great.

Cod fried in batter

Cod fried in batter

Cod fried in dough served with skordalia - garlic paste - is a dish usually served in Greece on Independence Day. Traditionally, it is made of salted cod, because in the interior of the Greek land it was difficult to find raw fresh fish. In Poland, you probably will not buy this fish in this form so all you need is fresh, regular Atlantic cod. Thick pieces of meat will be the best to make this dish. An additional advantage of cod is its low calorific value, as well as low fat content, which makes this fish perfectly suitable for frying.

Fried fish with lemon

Fried fish with lemon

Greek cuisine is associated with simplicity. Ingredients that Greeks need to prepare a tasty meal is always only as much as needed. That's the recipe for fried fish in a lemon marinade.

Squid fried in deep oil

Squid fried in deep oil

In Greek taverns, one of the most popular appetizers is fried squid. The tastiest and softest will be small specimens, so if there is an opportunity, it is best to order them. However, it is worth remembering that for a seafood feast, go to a good tavern rather than one of the "pubs" located near the tourist promenade, because then the chances of getting rubbery and unpalatable calamari grow.

Baked fish from the island of Spetse

Baked fish from the island of Spetse

This is one of our favorite recipes for Greek fish dishes. It comes from the tiny island of Spetse located on the Halkidiki peninsula. It's an extremely delicious and quite simple dish that does not require the addition of sophisticated ingredients. Originally the Greeks sprinkle the fish with breadcrumbs at the end of baking. However, I do not do it, but instead adds Cretan fish soup to the sauce and a sprig of fresh rosemary. There are quite a lot of ways to make this dish, so I think that this small modification will not hurt, and I do not commit barbarism against this recipe.

Fish in batter

Fish in batter

Small pieces of fish dipped in batter and fried in deep oil is a delicious and quick way to prepare fish in an unusual way in our country. In Greece, this dish is very popular and served, for example, with skordalią - Greek garlic sauce. The dough draws all the smells from the fish and emphasizes the delicacy of the meat. Fish with white thick meat such as monkfish, cod or ordinary miruna are the best for frying.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

Najnowsze komentarze:

 Kiedyś ponoć tak tu było
 Podobno z tego powodu lokalne władze obawiajac się "zadeptania" zakazały tworzenia kampingów. Tak mówiła nam osoba z Kato Zakros.
 To, że nie ma dużo ludzi , to jego zaleta. Generalnie to zaleta całego Kato Zakros i okolic
 Nie zgodziłbym się z wypowiedzią o małej gęstości zamieszkania okolicy Kato Zakros. Na 30-to kilometrowym odcinku wschodniego wybrzeża Kreta znajdowały się cztery duże i bardzo duże miasta: od północy Itanos, Russolakos, Kato Zakros oraz Ambelos. Największe z nich, dzisiaj częściiwo leżące na dnie morza, Itanos i Russolakos, zbadane zostały tylko w minimalnym stopniu.
 Byliśmy w zeszłym roku. Robi wrażenie wielkość tego pałacu. Ale zwiedzanie go w godzinach przedpołudniowych, w pełnym słońcu wymaga sporo samozaparcia, dobrego nakrycia głowy i dużej ilości wody do picia. Byliśmy tam w czerwcu i prócz nas nie było nikogo. Z jednej strony szkoda, że to miejsce jest tak mało popularne, a z drugiej... Cisza i spokój okolicy urzeka.
 dzieki,wybieramy sie za 2 tygodnie,tylko wschod,baza w Ierapetra.
gość PiotrWie  My obecnie jesteśmy na Alonissos, wiem że nie jest to jakiś znaczący region uprawy oliwek ale patrząc po drzewach jest całkiem sporo owoców i wydaje nam się że tu jest jakiś inny gatunek - są widocznie większe niż na Krecie 
 rosna z 10 tys lat ,a ci medytuja.
 Co roku te same informacje....
Christian Arnidis - Moja Grecja  A skad informacje i spadku cen oliwy w hurcie? Bo sprowadzam oliwe i az takich spadkow nie widze nigdzie. Bardzie brak oliwy w tloczarniach i u producentow.

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