This traditional salad is the basis in any Greek tavern. On the menu you will find it under the popular name of Greek Salad or Horiatiki (ie country). It is simple to make and very tasty. The only condition for its successful preparation is very fresh and ripe vegetables. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunity that they are now available and make it at home. Greenhouse tomatoes or imported from winter in the south of Europe are unfortunately not suitable, because they lack the juiciness and aroma that determines the taste of the salad. Personally, we prepare it in Poland only at the peak of the summer season.
For seasoning a salad you can use imported oregano or any mixture of herbs for a Greek salad. You will get such herbs on Crete or other Greek islands without any problem.
1. Cut the tomatoes into eighths, onion into halfplaster or feathers. It is best to leave the cucumber un-peeled and cut into quite thick half-slices. We cut the peppers into thin rings.
2. We put these vegetables in a rather deep plate. Lightly salt, add a few drops of wine vinegar and a little olive oil.
3. On the top, put a slice of feta, olives and pour everything with more olive oil. The whole is sprinkled with herbs.
Καλή όρεξη!
This is one of our favorite salads of Greek cuisine. Along with the appearance of the young bean on sale, we absorb a lot of it. For a salad to come out tasty beans must be young, so in our latitude we can enjoy it for a very short time.
Recently, we had the opportunity to eat cauliflower in the form of a salad prepared in a Cretan way. Onions added to cooking neutralized some of its aroma and flavor, making it more mild. Cretan olive oil, parsley and lemon complemented the taste.
Potato salad is fast to prepare, you can eat it either hot, at room temperature or straight from the fridge. The set of products needed for preparation is simply typical - we can find similar in a bean salad with a black eyelet.
Parę lat temu przez 2 tygodnie objadaliśmy się greckimi smakołykami na Krecie. Sałatka grecka jest nie do podrobienia. Jedynie w szczycie sezonu nasze pomidory i ogórki mogą stanowić namiastkę tego, co dostaniemy na Południu. Tęsknię za tą kuchnią.
Zgadza się. Polskie warzywa tylko przez krótki czas nadają się do zrobienia horiatiki. A takiej cebuli jaka jest na Krecie w Polsce też raczej się nie dostanie. Mam na myśli taką łagodną i słodkawą w smaku, bo ostra też bywa w sprzedaży. :)
Gosia |
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Najlepsza sałatka grecka , jaką jedliśmy na wakacjach była w małej miejscowości na Krecie - Mesa Mouliana w drodze na Vai. Wszystko z przydomowego ogródka, mniam
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Fakt, nigdy w Polsce nie udało mi się odtworzyć smaków chociażby sałatek jedzonych w Grecji. Niepowtarzalne
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