Skinaria is a small beach located along a small bay, whose outlet on both sides ends with a rocky coast. It is still a little-known place overlooked by mass tourism. Peace and quiet and an interesting bottom abounding in the marine flora and fauna are the biggest advantages of this beach. Under favorable conditions, crystal clear water allows visibility up to 40m deep into the sea. It should not be surprising that Skinaria is so eagerly visited by diving centers. It is worth noting, however, that despite the location off the beaten track, the place is quite well organized: at the end of the road to Skinari there is a small gravel parking lot, on the beach there are sun loungers and umbrellas, and fresh water showers are also available. There is also one tavern here that also performs orders with delivery directly to the beach.
The southern coast of Crete abounds in a large number of small coves in the area of which there are small beaches. Unfortunately, a large part of such beaches can only be reached on foot or by boat from the sea. In this respect, Skinaria is very civilized, because an asphalt road is brought up to the car park itself. It leads through small hills, where it is quite narrow in places. Due to the small traffic, access is not too much trouble.
The road to Skinaria is interesting, in many places there are amazing views of the surrounding landscape. Along the way the characteristic rock attracts attention, through which runs a cylindrical hole. In several places you can count on spectacular steep descents.
Skinaria is located on the south coast roughly in front of Rethymno. People who go to this beach should first go towards this city. Of course, the best access is offered by New National Road. Then use the central exit of the Rethymnon bypass and head for Spili. After about 25 kilometers in the area of Koxare, turn right following the signs for Lefkogia. In this place you have to turn left following the small informal signposts pointing to this beach.
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Knossos is one of the flagship monuments visited by tourists, it is also the most popular place where organized trips go.
Heraklion (Iraklion) is the largest city of Crete. With almost 140,000 inhabitants, it is the fourth largest city in Greece.
Dozens of craft workshops located in this small mountain village make Margarites one of the four main centers where traditional Cretan ceramics are made.
International airport. Nikos Kazantzakis in Heraklion is currently the largest airport in Crete.
Heraklion (Iraklion) is the largest city of Crete. With almost 140,000 inhabitants, it is the fourth largest Greek city.
The date of the foundation of Moni Arkadiou (Arkadi) is not exactly known. According to tradition, the name of this church refers to the name of the Emperor Arkadiusz, who supposedly was to be its founder.
The date of the foundation of Moni Arkadiou (Arkadi) is not exactly known. According to tradition, the name of this church refers to the name of the Emperor Arkadiusz, who supposedly was to be its founder.
Rethymnon with around 40,000 inhabitants are the third largest city of Crete. This place was populated already in the Minoan period. Historically, the city was an important commercial center.
Thrapsano is a small town inhabited by slightly over 2,500 people, the vast majority of which until recently maintained their activity as a potter.
Skinaria is a small beach located along a small bay, whose outlet on both sides ends with a rocky coast. It is still a little-known place overlooked by mass tourism
Skinaria is a small beach located along a small bay, whose outlet on both sides ends with a rocky coast. It is still a little-known place overlooked by mass tourism
According to Greek mythology, Zeus hid (and perhaps even gave birth) in the Ida cave. This myth is the greatest asset of this cave, which is not as interesting and beautiful as the Dikte cave.
Tripiti is a small beach covered with a mixture of gray sand, gravel and stones. Despite the fact that the beach is unorganized and has a semi-natural appearance, one small tavern works here.
Tripiti is a small beach covered with a mixture of gray sand, gravel and stones. Despite the fact that the beach is unorganized and has a semi-natural appearance, one small tavern works here.
Tripiti is a small beach covered with a mixture of gray sand, gravel and stones. Despite the fact that the beach is unorganized and has a semi-natural appearance, one small tavern works here.
Plakias is a perfect place for people who like to spend time hiking. In the area of the town and the surrounding area, there are several hiking trails that lead to interesting beaches.
Currently, the lower monastery is still not open to the public and is not used by the monks. The buildings of the upper monastery have undergone partial renovation and are the main seat of the Preveli monastery.
Currently, the lower monastery is still not open to the public and is not used by the monks. The buildings of the upper monastery have undergone partial renovation and are the main seat of the Preveli monastery.
Currently, the lower monastery is still not open to the public and is not used by the monks. The buildings of the upper monastery have undergone partial renovation and are the main seat of the Preveli monastery.
The Kourtaliotiko Gorge, also known as the Asomatos Gorge, is perhaps one of the most spectacular natural attractions available in the central part of Crete.
Agia Triada is a small Minoan archaeological site in the south of Crete, located near Timpaki, located on the western slope of the hill about 40 meters above sea level.
Około 60 kilometrów na południowy zachód od stolicy Krety - Heraklionu znajdują się ruiny drugiego co do wielkości starożytnego pałacu - Fajstos.
Currently, Melidoni Cave (originally called Gerontospilios) is associated mainly with the tragic events that took place here in 1824.
This fortress is a perfect example of Crete's multiculturalism. Located today in Greek hands, it was built by the Venetians, but is called a name taken from the Turkish language.
It is one of the most important and largest museums in Greece and one of the most important in Europe.
Tylissos is one of the few places in Crete that has kept its name since ancient times.
Plaża w Damnoni jest położona po sąsiedzku z Plakias - popularną turystyczną miejscowością
Agios Pavlos is a small town located on the southern coast of Crete near Saktouria.
Triopetra is located at the foot of the Siderotas mountain about 52 km south of Rethymno.
gia Galini (Αγία Γαλήνη) jest jednym z najpopularniejszych nadmorskich kurortów na południowym wybrzeżu Krety.
The observatory is located at the top of the Skinakas mountain at an altitude of 1750 m. The idea for its construction was born in 1984.
The Late-Romanesque cemetery in Armeni is located on the outskirts of this town, located less than 10 km south of the center of Rethymno.
The museum presents the dramatic history of Crete written over the last several hundred years.
The modern settlement known as Argyroupolis was built on the site of the ancient city of Lappa (also called Lambi)
Lentas is a good idea for those who want to get away from villages steeped in industrial tourism.
This ancient quarry, consisting of two parts by modern times, is called Λαβυρινθάκι and Λαβύρινθος.
If anyone of you is looking for a good restaurant near Matala and Kalamaki, then we would like to recommend estiório Chrisopigi.
Psiloritis (Timios Stavros - Holy Cross) is the top of the highest mountain of Crete, rising to 2456 m above sea level.
Rouvas Gorge is one of the most interesting places in this part of Crete. The interesting trail leads in a perfect way to the changing appearance of this gorge.
Matala is one of the most popular towns not only of the southern coast but also of the whole of Crete. In the 1960s and 1970s, this small fishing village was a mecca for hippies.
The Odigitrias Monastery is one of the most famous monasteries of southern Crete. Unfortunately, in terms of popularity, he is far from other Cretan monasteries.
Kali Limenes (meaning Dobre Porty or Piękny Przystanie) is a coastal town located in the Asterousia Mountains on the southern coast of Crete.
In addition to the famous grand palaces on the island in the Minoan period, a number of smaller residences were created. One of the most important examples is the Vathipetro discovered about 5 km north of Archanes, on the southeastern slope of Mount Juchtas in the central part of Crete.
When traveling around Crete, it is not difficult to pay attention to the fact that most of the beaches there are relatively small and short. For this reason, people who are used to our national Baltic standards, where the sandy coast stretches for kilometers, may experience a special disappointment. However, fortunately, nothing is lost, because Crete in its rich arsenal of various beaches can boast of those that allow for long walks along the coast. One of them, our favorite is the Kommos beach located in the south of the central part of the island.
Although there are countless caves in Crete, only a few can be visited. Sfendoni is the largest cave open to the public. content comes from:
The old Venetian port and the lighthouse are one of the most recognizable elements of Rethymno.
Aspri Limni means White Lake, although the lake is just a conventional name. Under this term there is a small bay almost completely separated by rocks from the open sea. Only a small narrow isthmus decides that it is not a lake. This fabulous place, full of peace and beautiful colors, is located about half a kilometer west of Chrysokalitissa Monastery.
In 2002, Falasarna won the title of the best beach in Greece. This distinction is by no means accidental, because this place is truly unique by Crete standards. The long and, above all, wide beach called Pachia Amos is completely different from the majority
Vai grew loud when in the 1970s a commercial of coconut Bounty bars was filmed on the background of a palm grove, which probably most of you associate. Coconuts falling in advertising were fabricated because only date palms grow on Vai. Nevertheless, paradise on earth was discovered. The hippies first appeared here, looking for a new mecca, and Vai became a giant camping site surrounded by a mountain of garbage.
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byłam tak blisko...ech..No nic,przecież tam wrócę :D
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Na pewno warto :)
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Październikowa plaża w Adelianos Kampos.
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Świetnie, nawet widać "mokry pas" na plazy, powstaly z nocnych zlewek z pobliskich budynkow w tym hoteli... ciekawa jestem dlaczego do tej pory nikt z tym nic nie zrobi. Wyjście na plaze w to miejsce (i w wiele innych pobliskich w adelianos kampos) wieczorem jet wrecz niemozlowe, chyba ze ktos chce posluchac szumu fal przy niezbyt przyjemnym zapachu ścieków. To przeciez woła o pomstę do nieba. Rano oczywiście przez przyjsciem na plaze, krecha ta jest zagrabiona i zasypana suchym piaskiem. Widac jedynie lekki slad. Jest to bardzo smutne...
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Chyba trochę przesadzasz,nie było tak źle.Absolutnie zapachu ścieków nie było.Fakt ,okoliczne hotele były puste.Koniec sezonu.
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Nie przesadzam, wiem co pisze bo tego doswiadczylam we wrzesniu. Nie bylo zapachu sciekow. W dzień. A bylas w nocy na plazy? Po godz 23?
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Nie trzeba bylo robić wielkiego dochodzenia skad ten zapach sie bral. Wystarczylo isc wzdluz mokrej sciezki i doszlo sie do ogrodzenia budynku z ktorego wystawala... rura. I sciekal powoli plyn nieznanego pochodzenia o bardzo przykrym zapachu. Rano natomiast bylo po wszystkim. Zapewne wiele osób o tym nie wie bo o tej godzinie na plazy bylismy tylko my 4 osobowa grupka i moze gdzies dalej jakas para.
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Niestety brudne plaże na Krecie też się zdarzają. To jest cena jaką płaci wyspa za masową turystykę. My staramy się opisywać jednak takie plaże, które pozbawione są takiego "uroku" i tym podobnych "defektów". Naszym zdaniem szczególnie godne polecenia są plaże z południa wyspy właśnie takie jak Skinaria.
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Nie zaprzeczam, na poludniu nie bylam. Ok, piszecie ze masowa turystyka... a co ma turystyka do wylewania ścieków na plaze przez pobliskie hotele? Chyba to nie turysci zamontowali rurę w ogrodzeniu... to jest przykre, ze miejscowi tak dbaja o wlasna nature, przyrode... mnie osobiscie to bardzo oburzylo.
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Anna tak to jest właśnie cena za masową turystykę. Masowy turysta chce płacić jak najmniej i mieć teoretycznie jak najwięcej. Oszczędności przy okazji zbijania kosztów, szukane są przez właścicieli hoteli na bardzo różne sposoby, również przez działania, które nadmiernie i w niewłaściwy sposób obciążają środowisko. Bezsprzecznie jest to karygodne i nie pochwalamy tego. Niestety takie przykre przypadki "biznesowego" podejścia zdarzają się na całym świecie w tym również i w Polsce. My jako turyści możemy świadomie dysponować swoimi pieniędzmi i po prostu nie wybierać takich hoteli i takich miejscowości. Do czego zachęcamy :)
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Schinaria jest piękną plażą, jedną z najpiękniejszych na południu i na Krecie w ogóle. Na miejscu jest rodzinna tawerna Libian Star. Rodzina do ktorej należy tawerna dba o tamtejszą plażę, przyznać trzeba ze jest tam bardzo czysto. Niestety co roku przybywa leżaków. 15 lat temu był jeden-dwa rzędy, teraz jest duuuuuzo wiecej, ale i tak warto się tam wybrać, choć kręta, wąska i stroma droga tam prowadząca moze odstraszać niektórych kierowców :)
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