Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Beaches on the island of Crete

White Lake, or Aspri Limni

White Lake, or Aspri Limni

Aspri Limni means White Lake, although the lake is just a conventional name. Under this term there is a small bay almost completely separated by rocks from the open sea. Only a small narrow isthmus decides that it is not a lake. This fabulous place, full of peace and beautiful colors, is located about half a kilometer west of Chrysokalitissa Monastery.

Seitan Limania - Paralia Stefanou

Seitan Limania - Paralia Stefanou

There is a beach in Crete that literally makes some people shiver. This place is Seitan Limania which can be translated as Satan's Ports or Cursed Ports. This beach is also known as Paralia Stefanou, or Stefanou Beach.

Kedrodasos Beach

Kedrodasos Beach

If we were to list the most beautiful beaches of Crete, Kedrodasos would undoubtedly be at the forefront of such a list. Although it is located just a kilometer from Elafonissi, the most famous beach in Crete, even in the high season, Kedrodasos still remains wild and unobstructed by crowds. You will not find here, at least for now, sunbeds and umbrellas and other typical tourist infrastructure such as changing rooms, toilets, beach bars or taverns.



When traveling around Crete, it is not difficult to pay attention to the fact that most of the beaches there are relatively small and short. For this reason, people who are used to our national Baltic standards, where the sandy coast stretches for kilometers, may experience a special disappointment. However, fortunately, nothing is lost, because Crete in its rich arsenal of various beaches can boast of those that allow for long walks along the coast. One of them, our favorite is the Kommos beach located in the south of the central part of the island.

Grammeno beach in Gialos

Grammeno beach in Gialos

Grammeno (Γραμμένο) is a beach that can be counted among one of the best and most beautiful beaches in this part of Crete.

Diaskari Beach - Green Beach

Diaskari Beach - Green Beach

Diaskari Beach, also known as Green Beach, is less than 3 km from Makry Gialos. This quiet place with a small and simple tavern is a good way to spend a relaxing day away from more crowded places.

Beach in Krios

Beach in Krios

Krios beach is located about 9 km west of Paleochora and it is also the last beach on this section of the southern coast, accessible by road. For Crius, the asphalt road leaves the coast line and goes deep into the island, turning into a gutter.

Glyka Nera

Glyka Nera

Glyka Nera is one of the most spectacular beaches in Crete. Located at the foot of a majestic, steep hillside high for several hundred meters, it is one of the better places for peaceful rest. There are relatively few people here who get to this beach by boat or on their own feet. It is worth knowing that the popular London Times in 2003 recognized this beach as one of the 20 most interesting in Europe.

Beach in Souda in the south of Crete

Beach in Souda in the south of Crete

Souda is at the end of the ravine, whose bottom is the Finikas River. This small stream fed by the mountain streams is full of water throughout the year. The good availability of water makes the valley green even at the peak of the holiday season. In several places along Finikas, you can see groves of the Cephonist palm Teofrast (Phoenix theophrastii), which you can know from places such as Vai and Preveli. Souda is one of the most important reserves, where this very rare species is found.

Triopetra - three rocks beach

Triopetra - three rocks beach

Triopetra is located at the foot of the Siderotas mountain about 52 km south of Rethymno. In the old days there was a settlement here, which was a cluster of a dozen or so small houses built mainly by the residents of the village of Akoumia, located about 13 km north of Triopetra. At that time, these buildings were inhabited only during the summer. Residents of the village of Akumia moved to them to be closer to their cultivated fields.

Beach in Damnoni

Beach in Damnoni

Damnoni boasts a wide beach located in a deeply embedded bay, the boundaries of which are marked by two peninsulas facing the sea. Along the shore of a small river that flows into the sea in the western part of the beach, there is a local road where you can leave your car. However, if you plan to come here weekend, you have to reckon with the fact that finding a free place to park the car can take a moment.

Palm beach of Vai

Palm beach of Vai

Vai grew loud when in the 1970s a commercial of coconut Bounty bars was filmed on the background of a palm grove, which probably most of you associate. Coconuts falling in advertising were fabricated because only date palms grow on Vai. Nevertheless, paradise on earth was discovered. The hippies first appeared here, looking for a new mecca, and Vai became a giant camping site surrounded by a mountain of garbage.

Palm beach in Preveli

Palm beach in Preveli

Due to the characteristic curve of the Megapotamos River, which flows into the Libyan Sea, Preveli is one of the most recognizable beaches in Crete. It is located at the end of a deep ravine, which starts below the buildings of the Piso Preveli monastery. The palm trees and amazing landscape attracts thousands of tourists every year.

Lagos Balos - the most beautiful beach of Crete

Lagos Balos - the most beautiful beach of Crete

Balos is one of Crete's flagship beaches if not all of Greece. We can assure you that the landscapes you see during your trip to Balos will remain with you for a very long time. It's worth seeing this place with your own eyes, because the pictures taken here have become a kind of icon illustrating the beauty of Greece.

Tripiti beach and gorge

Tripiti beach and gorge

Redirected from the site - Tripiti beach and gorge. Tripiti is a small beach covered with a mixture of gray sand, gravel and stones. Despite the fact that the beach is unorganized and has a semi-natural appearance, one small tavern works here. The vast majority of people relaxing in this place are the local Cretans. This is evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of parked cars are pickups and off-road vehicles. A great surprise is the view of many caravans, campers and tents, which are in the vicinity of tablets strongly prohibiting camping and parking ... caravans. On the hill in the north-eastern part of the beach (Kalokambos), you can see small Minoan ruins.

Tripiti beach and gorge

Tripiti beach and gorge

Redirected from the site - Steno Gorge. Tripiti is a small beach covered with a mixture of gray sand, gravel and stones. Despite the fact that the beach is unorganized and has a semi-natural appearance, one small tavern works here. The vast majority of people relaxing in this place are the local Cretans. This is evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of parked cars are pickups and off-road vehicles. A great surprise is the view of many caravans, campers and tents, which are in the vicinity of tablets strongly prohibiting camping and parking ... caravans. On the hill in the north-eastern part of the beach (Kalokambos), you can see small Minoan ruins.

Tripiti beach and gorge

Tripiti beach and gorge

Tripiti is a small beach covered with a mixture of gray sand, gravel and stones. Despite the fact that the beach is unorganized and has a semi-natural appearance, one small tavern works here. The vast majority of people relaxing in this place are the local Cretans. This is evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of parked cars are pickups and off-road vehicles. A great surprise is the view of many caravans, campers and tents, which are in the vicinity of tablets strongly prohibiting camping and parking ... caravans. On the hill in the north-eastern part of the beach (Kalokambos), you can see small Minoan ruins.

Beach at Skinaria

Beach at Skinaria

Redirected from the site - Shinaria. Skinaria is a small beach located along a small bay, whose outlet on both sides ends with a rocky coast. It is still a little-known place overlooked by mass tourism. Peace and quiet and an interesting bottom abounding in the marine flora and fauna are the biggest advantages of this beach. Under favorable conditions, crystal clear water allows visibility up to 40m deep into the sea. It should not be surprising that Skinaria is so eagerly visited by diving centers.

Beach at Skinaria

Beach at Skinaria

Skinaria is a small beach located along a small bay, whose outlet on both sides ends with a rocky coast. It is still a little-known place overlooked by mass tourism. Peace and quiet and an interesting bottom abounding in the marine flora and fauna are the biggest advantages of this beach. Under favorable conditions, crystal clear water allows visibility up to 40m deep into the sea. It should not be surprising that Skinaria is so eagerly visited by diving centers.

Elafonisi - a beach with pink sand

Elafonisi - a beach with pink sand

Redirected from the site - Elafonissi. Elafonissi is a small island located at the end of the south-western edge of Crete. A characteristic feature of Elafonisi is the shallow lagoon connecting it with Crete. Warm and crystal clear water with a color changing from green to deep blue, is adjacent to beautiful wide beaches, whose white sand is in some places mixed with broken shells creating picturesque pink stripes. This amazing blend of colors makes Elafonissi easily claim to be called an exotic paradise.

Elafonisi - a beach with pink sand

Elafonisi - a beach with pink sand

Elafonissi is a small island located at the end of the south-western edge of Crete. A characteristic feature of Elafonisi is the shallow lagoon connecting it with Crete. Warm and crystal clear water with a color changing from green to deep blue, is adjacent to beautiful wide beaches, whose white sand is in some places mixed with broken shells creating picturesque pink stripes. This amazing blend of colors makes Elafonissi easily claim to be called an exotic paradise.

Falasarna - beach with TOP 10

Falasarna - beach with TOP 10

In 2002, Falasarna won the title of the best beach in Greece. This distinction is by no means accidental, because this place is truly unique by Crete standards. The long and, above all, wide beach called Pachia Amos is completely different from the majority


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 Piekna wyspa szkoda by bylo stracic cos tak pieknego
Christian Arnidis - Moja Grecja  Szczerze to bym się zdziwił gdyby na Santorini nie bylo trzęsień ziemi . Wyspa leży na tzw łuku wulkanicznym jaki się może wytworzyć kilkadziesiąt lub kilkaset kilometrów za linią subdukcji czyli obszarem gdzie jedna płyta tektoniczna się wciska pod drugą . To działa tak że najsilniejsze wstrząsy są w obszarze subdukcji , słabsze na łuku wulkanicznym . Kilkadziesiąt lub kilkaset metrów za . (...)
gość PiotrWie  My na szczęście na razie jedziemy na Gran Canarię, na Cyklady dopiero 10 kwietnia, mam nadzieję że do tego czasu się uspokoi bo mamy w planach między innymi Amorgos.
 kiedyś ten świat musi się skończyć …
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 Oby się Kolumbo nie obudził, wtedy to już będzie pozamiatane
 Trzeba mieć nadzieję, że na tym się zakończy
 Mamy nadzieję że wszystko się skończy dobrze trzęsienia są odczuwane na Krecie
gość dodekanezowiec  Balos/Gramvousa wywarły na mnie największe wrażenie, Falassarna niedoceniana, Elafonissi przeceniana. Ale tak poza tym Kreta nie ma za wiele pięknych plaż.  Cypr, Majorka, Sardynia - tam przy hotelach są od razu piękne plaże.    
gość dodekanezowiec  „Widocznymi i bardziej wymiernymi wyznacznikami tych zmian jest stale powiększająca się baza noclegowa nie tylko w postaci niezliczonych hoteli na północy wyspy i coraz szerszej ofercie południowego wybrzeża” Ale Grecję cenię za to, że nie ma takiego przegięcia jak w Hiszpanii (50-piętrowy hotel w Benidorm mówi wszystko), ani takiego niedorozwoju (uzasadnione słowo, należy im się) jak we włoskiej Kalabrii. (...)

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