Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Cool attractions for hot days

In the coming days, a second heatwave is expected in Crete, during which local temperatures may reach up to 45 degrees. Very high temperatures are expected to last until the end of July. So what can and what not to do when the heat is pouring from the sky?

Beach and Agios Pavlos

The first choice is to spend time on the beach and cool off in the sea, or not to leave the pool hotel. However, what if you no longer feel like such "activity", and the long-awaited "warmth" becomes difficult to bear even in the vicinity of water? Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to visit cities when the temperatures in the shade exceed even 37-38 degrees in the shade. Hot roads, sidewalks and buildings increase the air temperature even more, which quickly makes us lose the desire to walk even on the most beautiful streets.

On hot days, it is also worth avoiding visiting the archaeological excavation site. Unfortunately, these are usually places completely exposed to the sun's rays and sometimes also devoid of shaded places. Visiting them on hot days can literally make you sweat.

An equally bad idea will be a trip to the gorges, especially those with high rocky walls. The temperatures prevailing in such places are much higher because the heat accumulates in a narrow space. Therefore, avoid this type of attractions, as well as trails led especially on the southern slopes.

A trip to the mountains will not be a good idea either, because even when we go much higher, it will be very likely that we will not find the expected coolness. At an altitude of about 1,500 m above sea level, temperatures in the coming days are expected to be up to 14 degrees higher than the average temperature for the period 1991-2020.

Cool museum path

A much better option is to plan a "museum" route, especially around modern facilities with efficient air conditioning. Probably the most natural option in the case of Crete will be archaeological museums where you can learn about the history of Crete. In addition, you can spend a lot of time looking at the extensive collections. So what do we have to choose from? We can definitely recommend the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion and the new seat of the Archaeological Museum in Chania. And it seems to us that these places are so well known that they do not need additional recommendations.

Heraklion Archaeological Museum
The modern Archaeological Museum in Heraklion not only cools you down, but also attracts a large number of tourists every day.

You can also find the new Archaeological Museum in Eleftherna . Although it is not as large as the previously mentioned institutions, it is done in a very interesting way and the exhibited artifacts come from outside the period of the Minoan culture. This means that visitors to this place can look and learn about the remains from the dawn of Greek civilization described by Homer. According to the employees of the museum, it is unique on a global scale. So far, the collections of Cretan archaeological museums have been associated mainly with the later Minoan era and the period of Roman rule.

Eleftherna Museum
Modern museum in Eleftherna

On weekends until On the 15th, you can also visit the recently opened Archaeological Museum in Agios Nikolaos. The museum is completely renovated and organized in accordance with the latest museological and museographic concepts. It has already been recognized as one of the most modern museums that have been created in recent years in Greece.

Underground natural air conditioning

What if we've already seen everything and want to get some (fresh but hot) air? It is worth remembering about the caves, especially the largest ones. The constant pleasantly cool temperature prevailing in them is a natural climate that will make you not want to leave the underground. So what is worth choosing to spend more time in them? Two of the longest routes are the beautiful Dikte Cave , known as the cave of Zeus, and the unusual Sfendoni Cave belonging to the Psiloritis National Park near the village of Zoniana.

Sfendoni Cave
Sfendoni Cave is one of the most interesting objects of this type in Greece

Sfendoni is one of the most important and at the same time the most beautiful caves of Greece and the richest in Crete in terms of natural decoration. Due to the fact that the entrance to the cave is closed with a tight door, the temperature inside is constant and amounts to 16-17 degrees Celsius.

Much smaller but interesting is the Melidoni cave which is unfortunately associated with the tragic events of 1824, although its history is much longer and in the Minoan era it was one of the most important places of worship.

Melidoni Cave Melidoni Cave

Another cave associated with mythology, i.e. Ida, located on the plateau of the same name, will not bring such a coolness from the heat due to the fairly wide natural entrance. But it's worth going.

You will also find lower temperatures by visiting the former German tunnels in Platanias, carved in the rock. Although they are only 120 meters long, the exhibition of photos and memorabilia from the time of the German invasion of Crete will attract the attention of history lovers.

And as always, cruises will also be a good option, especially the longer ones. Here it is worth looking for offers locally or near the place where you are currently. You will surely find something.

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2023-07-19 20:45:28

Siedzieć blisko morza i włazić tam co chwilę (w nakryciu głowy). Nie łazić, nie pić alko. Zdarzyło mi się trzy razy (Korfu, Djerba, Alanya) i alternatywa to siedzenie w pokoju z klimą. To nie są temperatury na zwiedzanie lub zgrywanie nieśmiertelnego. Na Krecie (i nie tylko) można zupełnie poważnie umrzeć, udar to udar. I woda, duuużo wody.

2023-07-19 22:07:47

CRETE - Kreta Czytałam artykuł. Muzeum z klimą ok, ale nie ciągajmy tam bąbelków z przesiadkami autobusami itd. Żeby komuś coś nie strzeliło do głowy. Samochód z klimą jest w porządku, ale... jakakolwiek wycieczka to zapas wody. Złapiesz gumę gdzieś w górach i stoisz. Ja może zanadto zapobiegliwa, jednak wolę lekką panikę niż ususzyć się na wiórek :)

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2023-07-19 20:58:28

Maria Dziekan Niestety w ostatnich dniach dwie osoby zmarły w wąwozach. Zwiedzać można ale z głową i bez szarżowania. Tak jak to podkreśliliśmy w artykule.

2023-07-20 08:33:56

Maria Dziekan masz rację. Wracałam w taki upał z Elafonisi, pasek klinowy się zerwał w aucie...staliśmy 3h w upale z minimalną ilością wody...

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