Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Plaża w Preveli (2009) ||  ...
Jedna z głównych dróg w  ...
Fortress Koules - one of the  ...
Nieznana  ...
Stary Port Wenecki w Rethymno  ...

Crete - the latest news

Dangerous fire in Platanias

On Wednesday afternoon, a fire broke out on the outskirts of the popular tourist town of Platanias. The fire started in the southern part of the town near the old national road in an area covered with reeds. Due to the strong wind and dried vegetation, the fire began to move quickly westwards and could have spread to the densely built-up northern part of Platanias at any moment. The fire threatened the surrounding residential buildings and hotels, and thick smoke was visible even from the eastern parts of Chania. Thanks to the immediate intervention of the fire brigade, the fire was brought under control before the worst happened.

Fire in Platanias
Fortunately, the fire was limited to material losses only.
Photo source

Gosia,  data_2024-09-12 20:38:58 2024-09-12 20:38:58
Number of comments: brak

Dikte Cave open until the end of September

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the planned closure of the Dikte cave due to the need to carry out renovation work. According to the original assumptions, the cave was to be closed tomorrow, September 9, 2024. However, at the end of August, it was decided to postpone the date of closing the cave to tourists. Dikte will be open to visitors until September 30 this year.

Dikte Cave

Gosia,  data_2024-09-08 19:08:51 2024-09-08 19:08:51
Number of comments: brak

Predictions for this year's olive harvest

After last year's disastrous olive harvest and record-low olive oil production, everyone is wondering what this year will bring. The last months of the year are a time when olive grove owners are slowly preparing for the harvest and can already make preliminary estimates of what it will be like. These estimates have a real impact on the current wholesale price of olive oil. So what does it look like at the moment?


Gosia,  data_2024-09-07 20:27:20 2024-09-07 20:27:20
Number of comments: 16

Faros - the lighthouse in Chania

Remaining on the subject of the Faros Lighthouse in Chania, we invite you to watch a short film, the heroine of which is precisely the most famous building of this city. In the background, you will also see the well-known Venetian Port, which always attracts a lot of people during the tourist season.

Gosia,  data_2024-08-29 20:06:06 2024-08-29 20:06:06
Number of comments: brak

Love HER - Heraklion's promotional campaign

The capital of Crete and the largest city on the island has launched a new advertising campaign, “Love HER – 5 senses 365 Days”. The name cleverly uses the first three letters of the city’s name (HER aklion), which is also the IATA code for the local airport. This has created an interesting play on words in the campaign, which emphasizes that the city can be experienced with all five senses all year round.

Gosia,  data_2024-08-26 20:37:10 2024-08-26 20:37:10
Number of comments: 2

Dangerous accident on the mountain trail between Marmara and Lykos

Last Saturday, August 17, a serious accident occurred on the trail between Marmara Beach and Lykos. A 23-year-old tourist from Germany fell from a height of 15 meters from the rocks. Rescue services initially tried to reach him from the sea, but due to the large waves, approaching by boat turned out to be very dangerous. Finally, a land rescue operation was carried out. The seriously injured tourist was first taken to a medical point in Sfakia and then, after providing first aid, he was transported to a hospital in Chania where he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

Marmara Beach
Marmara Beach is becoming more and more popular

Gosia,  data_2024-08-22 20:52:38 2024-08-22 20:52:38
Number of comments: 2
see other news from this month »


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

Najnowsze komentarze:

 Kiedyś ponoć tak tu było
 Podobno z tego powodu lokalne władze obawiajac się "zadeptania" zakazały tworzenia kampingów. Tak mówiła nam osoba z Kato Zakros.
 To, że nie ma dużo ludzi , to jego zaleta. Generalnie to zaleta całego Kato Zakros i okolic
 Nie zgodziłbym się z wypowiedzią o małej gęstości zamieszkania okolicy Kato Zakros. Na 30-to kilometrowym odcinku wschodniego wybrzeża Kreta znajdowały się cztery duże i bardzo duże miasta: od północy Itanos, Russolakos, Kato Zakros oraz Ambelos. Największe z nich, dzisiaj częściiwo leżące na dnie morza, Itanos i Russolakos, zbadane zostały tylko w minimalnym stopniu.
 Byliśmy w zeszłym roku. Robi wrażenie wielkość tego pałacu. Ale zwiedzanie go w godzinach przedpołudniowych, w pełnym słońcu wymaga sporo samozaparcia, dobrego nakrycia głowy i dużej ilości wody do picia. Byliśmy tam w czerwcu i prócz nas nie było nikogo. Z jednej strony szkoda, że to miejsce jest tak mało popularne, a z drugiej... Cisza i spokój okolicy urzeka.
 dzieki,wybieramy sie za 2 tygodnie,tylko wschod,baza w Ierapetra.
gość PiotrWie  My obecnie jesteśmy na Alonissos, wiem że nie jest to jakiś znaczący region uprawy oliwek ale patrząc po drzewach jest całkiem sporo owoców i wydaje nam się że tu jest jakiś inny gatunek - są widocznie większe niż na Krecie 
 rosna z 10 tys lat ,a ci medytuja.
 Co roku te same informacje....
Christian Arnidis - Moja Grecja  A skad informacje i spadku cen oliwy w hurcie? Bo sprowadzam oliwe i az takich spadkow nie widze nigdzie. Bardzie brak oliwy w tloczarniach i u producentow.

Ciekawe miejsca na Krecie

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