2021-01-13 19:23:44
Melomakarona, kourabiedes and other Greek cookies, most often baked around Christmas and New Year's Eve, are well-known and popular delicacies. However, while eating more kourabiedes, have you ever wondered how many calories these Greek sweets contain? Unfortunately, we do not have very good information on this subject, especially since the adventure with them usually does not end with eating just one cookie. As it turns out, eating 2-3 such delicacies is equal to a good dinner in terms of calories.
Light-looking, sprinkled entirely with powdered sugar, butterykourabiedes is a nice calorie bomb. On average, this one cookie weighing about 40 g contains 240 calories and over 9 g of fat.
Honey melomacaroni prepared with olive oil are a bit better than kourabiedes. One cookie of an average weight of 35 grams provides 190 calories and 8 grams of fat. However, three melomacaroni eaten are the caloric equivalent of Pythagyros. To burn the amount of calories that one melodara provides, you would either run for about 20 minutes or go for an hour walk.
Other well-known Christmas cookies are the buttery-orangekoulourakia , which smellamazing even during preparation. However, when consuming subsequent portions along with your morning coffee, it is worth bearing in mind that a 28-gram cookie is the equivalent of 97 calories.
The caloric content of New Year's Vasilopita varies depending on the preparation method and ingredients. We consume 350 calories and about 20 grams of fat in a 100-gram piece of this butter-egg cake.
Little known in Poland, though delicious diples ( Δίπλες ), which resemble faworki a bit, but are additionally covered with honey syrup, is another Greek caloric bomb. About 45 grams of such a treat is 170 calories and 4.5 g of fat. Eating three diples is almost the equivalent of a 100 gram piece of milk chocolate.
Loukumades can be compared to Polish small donuts. The difference is that after frying, like diples, they are covered with a very sweet syrup based on honey and sugar. The calorific value of such a "donut" is about 90 calories. Unfortunately, it doesn't end with one thing ...
So if you are wondering where the extra pounds came from after Christmas and you suspect Greek sweets, then we have good news for you. You are right!
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