Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Monasteries and religious sites in the Chania area

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Crete is a place where you will find a lot of monasteries, churches and chapels. Most of them are objects belonging to the Greek Orthodox Church. The picturesqueness of these places is extraordinary. The large monasteries are generally very well-kept, full of charm and hidden behind thick walls. Most of them during the turbulent history of Crete played a great role in the battles with the occupiers, which were never missing on the island. The monks living in these monasteries repeatedly took up arms and fought for the independence of Crete.

However, what is definitely the most important thing on the island are small churches and chapels that you will find in many places. It is impossible to get to know and describe all these places, because a large part is known primarily to local residents. However, the places that you will meet on your way are definitely worth seeing and looking inside. In their interiors you will often find beautiful frescoes. If you spend enough time in Crete, you will find out that some caves also have sacred functions. In the past, for example, the Minoans used to put gifts there, now modern inhabitants come to these places.

In cities, you will find mosques or what's left of them. This is a trace of the presence of Turks and their centuries-old rule in Crete. Of course, our list below is not exhaustive, treat it rather as a basis and sneak peek into your own research.

The most interesting religious buildings in the area of Chania

We complement our selection with a google map, on which we have marked the sacred objects we have selected located in the Chania prefecture.

Agia Triada Tzagaloron Monastery on the Peninsula Akrotiri

This is one of the most beautiful Orthodox monasteries in Crete that you must visit. It is located in the northern part of the Akrotiri peninsula, surrounded by cypress trees, vineyards and olive groves with olive trees up to 500 years old. This is our definite must see in this prefecture.

Agia Triada

Monastery of Moni Katholiko on the Akrotiri

Moni Katholiko is probably the oldest and most spectacularly situated monastery in Crete. It is located 20 km northeast of Chania, on the Akrotiri Peninsula near the exit of the Avlaki Gorge. Moni Katholiko can only be reached on foot leaving the car in front of the Gouverneto Monastery.

Moni Katholiko

Gouverneto Monastery - Kyria tone Agelon on the peninsula Akrotiri

The Gouverneto Monastery is possibly the oldest active Greek Catholic monastery located on the Akrotiri Peninsula near Chania. The external, austere monastery buildings look more like a tight wall, behind which there is a church immersed in green with an unusual facade. Unfortunately, to get inside it, you need to be very lucky, because this monastery strongly protects your privacy. When choosing here, you should also remember that the monks are very restrictive about the outfits of their guests and the opening hours.


Agios Georgion Monastery in Karydi next to Vamos

This monastery is one such place that you will not find in the list of attractions in tourist guides dedicated to Crete. Άγιος Γεώργιος is a unique and very interesting religious monument in this region of Crete, formerly having its own olive press. The monastery was abandoned and fell into disrepair for several dozen years. From 1996, after an initial renovation, it began to operate normally. Although the necessary renovation works are still continuing, the monastery is open to visit, we encourage you to do so.

Agios Georgios

Chrisoskalitissa monastery

The Chrissoskalitissa Monastery is also known as the Monastery with the Golden Degree . According to legend, one of the 90 steps leading to the monastery is made of gold, but only those who are without sin can see it. It is worth combining a visit to this church with a trip to the nearby Elafonissi beach and see if you are really sinless ;-)


Agia Sofia - Cave of God's Wisdom

It is situated on the main road connecting Elafonissi Beach and Kissamos. This road leads along the spectacular Topolia Gorge. The name of the Agia Sofia cave and chapel comes from the icon that is located here. It probably comes from a temple formerly located in Constantinople. According to the legend, Cretan sailors defended the shores of this city against the attacks of the Turks. When Sultan Mehmed II announced the truce, he allowed them to sail home. They could not take their weapons with them, but in return they got permission to take something in return. Some Cretans from Kissamos took the icon with them and hid it in this cave. Later, a chapel was built here.

Agia Sofia

Church in Lissos - Agios Kirikos

The small church of Agios Kirikos is located in the archaeological site of Lissos, on the site of a former early Christian basilica. Inside there are Byzantine frescoes, most of them destroyed. The church, as well as Lissos, can only be reached on foot or by a rented boat.

Agios Kirikos

Janissary Mosque in Chania

Although currently the Janissary Mosque does not fulfill its religious function, we have included it on the list of religious buildings. Currently, the mosque is one of the most recognizable buildings in the Venetian Harbor area and at the same time the oldest Ottoman building in Crete. It was erected in 1645 when the Turks conquered Chania. In 1923, 10 years after the formal union of Crete with mainland Greece, this building ceased to function as a mosque. Even before World War II, the Janissary Mosque had a minaret, but it was destroyed during bombing. For a long time, the activity of this place has focused on contemporary art. Various exhibitions and presentations of artists' works are organized here.

Janissary Mosque

Gonia Odigitria Monastery in Kolymbari

Do not be deceived by the austere outer walls of this monastery. Inside, there is a picturesque church, an original pebble floor and an interesting museum exhibition. The monastery was destroyed many times during the Ottoman wars and the Cretan Uprising of 1866-1869 and rebuilt many times. It also did not survive destruction during World War II. It's worth taking a look if you are near Kolymbari.

Asi Gonia Monastery

Monastery of 98 Holy Fathers in Azogyres (Ekklisia Agii Pateres)

It is a small, built into the rock and beautifully situated monastery from the mid-19th century. It is located near the village of Azogyres in the Selino province. It was in fact the residence of 99 holy fathers. However, one of them: Jan Pustelnik chose to live in complete isolation and left this holy group. Jan Pustelnik wandered as far as the Akrotiri peninsula and lived in a cave next to the Moni Katholiko monastery.

Ekklisia Agii Pateres

Agios Nikolaos Church in Chania

It is one of the most interesting churches in Chania and is also a testament to its turbulent history. This church was established in 1320 and was the most important church in the city during the Venetian period. After the Turks took control of Crete, the church was turned into a mosque, a minaret was added and it was named Hiougkar Tzamisi in honor of the Ottoman Sultan, Ibraim. In 1928, the mosque was converted into an Orthodox church and dedicated to St. Nicholas. And the minaret and the belfry have survived to this day, constituting a characteristic point of the city's panorama. The church is located at Splantzia Square.

Agios Nikolaos Church in Chania

Other parts of the Chania Prefecture Guide:

Interesting roads in Chania prefecture

The most interesting places related to history

The most interesting beaches in the area of Chania

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