Crete tourist guide

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Western Crete routes to improve

data_2020-04-18 19:54:32 2020-04-18 19:54:32

Although a large proportion of tourists visiting Crete limit their activity mainly to beach holidays, from year to year more and more popular, especially among individual tourists, enjoy hiking trails. For this reason alone, more and more local government institutions and independent associations are calling for their revitalization. What appears to be a particularly pressing issue is poor labeling. The Mountain Association from Chania (ΕΟΣ Χανίων), among others, calls for quick intervention.

Krios - Elafonisi trail

Stavros Badogiannis, the president of this organization, points out that many hiking trails require intervention right now. This is especially important for those who are eagerly chosen by less experienced tourists. As an example of such a route you can even give the one connecting Chora Sfakion with Loutro. You can meet tourists every day during the peak season. Although in our opinion this trail is simple and hard to get lost on it, there are people who, however, cause problems.

Chora Sfakion - Loutro trail

According to the president of EOS, intervention seems to be no less important for other walking routes in the southern part of the prefecture of Chania. In his opinion, these paths are not only badly marked, but also often dangerous for less experienced or unprepared tourists. This situation occurs, among others, on the trail located between the towns of Sougia and Agia Roumeli. Stavros Badogiannis claims that there are at least a few places on this section that cause tourists difficulties that should be redesigned. Despite the fact that the association has already reported a few times willingness to intervene in this matter, it has not yet been met with a response from local authorities.

So far, the work of the Advisory Committee for Mountaineering has also not had major effects (Συμβουλευτικές Επιτροπές Ορειβατικών Δραστηριοτήτων -ΣΕΠΟΔ). Representatives of forest services, climber associations and local authorities operate in this organization. As part of the work of this committee, many interesting ideas were developed, but so far they have not been translated into any specific actions. Unfortunately, as with other initiatives of this type, everything is broken by a lack of funds.

Chora Sfakion - Loutro trail

After all, people gathered around this committee continue to work and after one of the last meetings a list of walking routes requiring urgent intervention was handed over. Suggested routes requiring improvement are:

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2020-04-18 19:54:32 2020-04-18 19:54:32
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Marta Szakalicka
2020-04-18 19:35:14

Mieliśmy plan na ten rok żeby połączyć wypoczynek i trekking. Kreta jest zbyt piekna żeby ograniczać się tylko do plażowania. W obecnej sytuacji plan raczej nie wypali. Bedziemy czekać z utęsknieniem na możliwość wyjazdu.

gość PiotrWie
2020-04-18 21:58:10

Od kilkunastu lat chodzimy po szlakach Krety, okres " romantyczny" skończył się tak ok 2013, od tego czasu ilość turystów wzrasta systematycznie i prawdopodobnie jeśli turystyka wróci to za kolejne 10 lat będzie jak wszędzie - szlaki pełne łudzi, jak w Samarii. Jak ktoś jeszcze chce tam trafić w warunkach gdy przez dzień marszu spotka 10 -15 osób a na rzadko uczęszczanych szlakach 1-2 to po odmrożeniu turystyki będzie ostatni moment

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