Today, we would like to recommend you a unique book about Crete, whose appearance on the reading market, unfortunately, without much echo. It's a pity, because "The Travel Charm" by Michał Obst Głombiowski is one of the few publications that shows Crete from the kitchen, after the season, after the last tourists leave here. We highly recommend and encourage you to read our review.
Escaping from the cold of northern Europe, two Czechs meet in a sleepy Loutro and take a peculiar journey into the history of one of them. This is how using the smallest possible number of words you can describe the content of the book Journey to the South. However, it will be a very dry and unjust description, which certainly will not encourage anyone to acquire this position. And in my humble opinion it is worth it. This is a book to which I will come back, and I will certainly be happy to travel to the south again in some time.
Zorba 50 years later is in many respects a very thoughtful and extraordinary publication, which is very hard to qualify for a specific single category of books. Each time such an unambiguous declaration would be detrimental to the work of Tomasz Zaród. The handy format is definitely closer to the guide than to a typical photo album. On the other hand, the very way of presenting the content and velvet-like Arctic Volume Ivory paper means that you will still have the impression of being in contact with the album while holding this publication in your hands.
Anyone who is close to the topic of Greece certainly knows the name of Dionisios Sturis, who for a long time is trying to bring the problems of Ellada residents to the Poles. Many people associate him with the TOK FM radio, where he is a "duty" journalist dealing with the strike of Greece. Certainly not one radio listener wondered how it happened that the Greek speaks so beautifully in Polish and in general how he came to our country. "Bitter oranges" allow to unravel this puzzle and give you a chance to learn many interesting facts from the history of modern Greece. We, for our part, definitely recommend this book ... with the hope that in the future Dionisios Sturis will be tempted to write another equally interesting item.