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Greece plans to privatize 22 smaller airports

data_2023-12-11 20:05:22 2023-12-11 20:05:22

We've had a lot of aviation-related topics lately. Today we also have interesting information on this topic. In 2024, Greek authorities are expected to launch a new round of privatization of 22 smaller regional airports. The privatization program including the introduction of modernization applies to airports located, among others, on the islands of Naxos, Paros, Chios, Ikaria, Karpathos, Milos. The list of ports to be reprivatized also includes a small airport located in the city of Sitia in Crete.

Fraport in Chania

Fraport for 40 years

Let us remind you that this is not the first such group privatization of Greek airports. In 2017, after winning the tender, the German consortium Fraport took control of 14 regional airports in Greece. Fraport manages, among others, the airport in Chania in Crete, the islands of Rhodes, Santorini, Mykonos and Kos. The privatization of these airports was forced by the conditions of the aid program granted to Greece, which, under the agreement concluded with the EU and the International Monetary Fund, undertook to implement a large-scale privatization program worth a total of €240 billion. During that tender, great emotions aroused the fact that Fraport was to manage the airports for 40 years, with the possibility of extending this period for another 10 years.

In the four years after taking control of the airports, Fraport modernized the infrastructure, renovated runways, rebuilt terminals and introduced state-of-the-art baggage handling and security control systems.

Chania airport

Unfortunately, also a year after taking over the airports, Fraport significantly increased fees for landing and parking of aircraft at the airport in Chania. This directly contributed to the liquidation of some connections and the closure of the Ryanair aircraft base, which moved its machines to Germany and Poland.

Privatization of airports in Greece is probably becoming a standard. Next year in March, an individual tender for the management of the international airport in Kalamata in the Peloponnese is to be concluded. So far, this tender has attracted the interest of four investors (including Fraport). The concession to manage this airport is also in this case for 40 years.

Gosia,  data_2023-12-11 20:05:22 2023-12-11 20:05:22
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gość PiotrWie
2023-12-11 20:40:28

Określenie porty lotnicze jest trochę na wyrost. To krótkie pasy startowe, mikroskopijne budynki i niewielkie parkingi - przynajmniej tam gdzie byłem ( Milos, Naxos, Astipalea) . Przystosowane do turbośmigłowych ATR 200 - 42 miejsca pasażerskie. Proporcjonalnie do lotniska w Chanii mają się jak Heathrow do Heraklionu. Ale do ruchu lokalnego wystarczające. I tak na wyspach gdzie leżą ciężko by było zbudować coś większego i chyba nie ma takiej potrzeby - nawet w szczycie sezonu na najbardziej obciążonym lotnisku na Naxos są 4 kursy dziennie.

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 Piekne miejsce...marzenie :)
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 To co widziałem na wyspie tylko w ubiegłym roku, nie nadaje się do opisywania tutaj. Kreteńskie drogi, to dramat a BOAK jest osobną kategorią szaleństwa.
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