Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Kefi - a culinary journey around the Greek islands

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Greece is a country of sea and sun. These are two magnets that attract millions of tourists every year, longing for constantly sunny weather and carefree swimming in the amazingly blue sea. However, a trip to Greece, apart from getting to know the monuments and seeing beautiful views, can also become a culinary expedition. We can bet that everyone who has been to this country at least once has had the opportunity to try at least some of the most famous dishes. Moussaka, gyros, tzatziki, souvlaki are always mentioned when we ask about our favorite Greek dishes.

However, the culinary Hellada is much more diverse than what tourists have the opportunity to experience during their short holidays. Greece, consisting of both the mainland and islands, offers much more than souvlaki and moussaka. The multitude of islands facilitates the development of flavors and creation of combinations specific to a given place. The same dishes may be prepared in different ways depending on the place. The islanders have at their disposal primarily what their own land offers them, as well as its history and specific natural conditions. Nowadays, when the exchange of goods is much faster and easier, of course they also use products available outside their own island. However, in the past they could count primarily on the results of their work and skills. As a result, each island has its own flavors and characteristic dishes.

Kephi Dionysus Sturis

To learn about these culinary differences, you need to travel a lot and eat in Greek houses or good local taverns. The fact that each Greek island is its own culinary microcosm is proven by the example of Giorgos Trumuchis, a Greek chef who spent 5 years visiting 42 Rhodian villages, where he collected a quarter of a thousand traditional recipes from the inhabitants.

Unfortunately, mass tourism and places typically focused on serving countless crowds of tourists are not conducive to discovering local flavors. Tavern owners often cut corners, most places generally offer a few of the local most popular dishes, and the rest of the menu consists of dishes that can be eaten almost anywhere. If you think that when you order grilled chicken with fries you are eating a local dish, you are wrong.


Recipes from the Greek islands

Cooking books, of which there are currently a few on the Polish market, also treat Greek cuisine in a standard way, presenting recipes for the same dishes. Therefore, if you are looking for a cookbook that presents this topic in more detail than others, we can recommend the latest work by Dionysios Sturis entitled " Kefi " released in early October by Wielka Litera publishing house. We reached for this book with great curiosity, although without boasting, it is not easy to surprise us. Yet Dionysos Sturis managed to do it.

In "Kefi" you will find a collection of 54 recipes from various Greek islands. There are recipes from Naxos, Skiathos, Karpathos, Mykonos, Kea Paros, Rhodes, Samos and many others. You will find several recipes for culinary classics such as tzatziki, gigantes and kolokitokeftede. However, even these dishes are presented in local interpretations. First of all, "Kefi" is a collection of recipes for dishes generally little known outside their native region. Hands up who has had the opportunity to eat warm olives, turmeric, fried beans, fakorizo or watermelon cake, i.e. karpuzenia? We just warn you in advance that like Stiuris' previous book, this one also contains only recipes for vegetarian dishes.


The recipes are interspersed with the author's personal stories on culinary topics, which adds a personal touch to the book. For this reason, you will reach for “ Kefi ” not only to browse pages with recipes and tasty photos, but also to read these interesting stories.

The author also wants to understand what the famous Greek kefi is. Although there is no official definition here, the closest explanation may be that it is a state of mind. Feeling kefi is associated with meeting several conditions. The first and probably the most important is good food, of which there is no shortage in Greece. The next conditions are music and related dance. The last one is the feeling of community with other people. In fact, if we look at it this way, feeling the famous kefi is possible anywhere in the world, not only in Greece.

Gosia,  data_2023-12-10 20:58:09 2023-12-10 20:58:09
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Wielka Litera
2023-12-11 16:41:12


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