Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

First summaries of the 2023 season

data_2023-10-02 20:11:31 2023-10-02 20:11:31

As the tourist season approaches its end, the first more extensive summaries begin to appear. Of course, we will have to wait a few more months for full data on the entire season. However, it is already known that 25 million travelers visited Greece from January to August. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the large influx of tourists is expected to continue until the end of the year. The total result for the entire season will certainly be even better.

Passengers on the airport tarmac

According to data provided by INSETE, an institution that collects and analyzes data from the tourism market, the number of arrivals increased by 12.4% compared to 2022. In August alone, which is the most dynamic month of the season, there was an increase of 5% compared to the same month last year.

If we look at more detailed data from specific airports, they are impressive. Athens Airport served 4.8 million passengers between January and August, an increase of 32.4%. Therefore, compared to last year's data, 1.2 million more travelers flew to Athens. Thessaloniki Airport also recorded growth of 21.4%, handling 1.6 million arrivals during this time. Airports in Crete and the Ionian Islands also welcomed more passengers than last year. This increase is 5.8% in the case of Crete (3.7 million passengers) and in the case of the Ionian Islands (including Corfu and Zakhyntos) by 7.4% (2.8 million passengers).

Passengers on the plane

However, not all regions of Greece can boast of increasing popularity. In the first eight months of this year, there were 6.8% fewer arrivals in the Cyclades. This means that these islands were visited by one million fewer guests than in 2022. The Peloponnese also saw a decline in interest. In this case, the number of arrivals was lower by 5.2%, which translates into a decrease of 146,000 travelers.

By car to Greece

Interestingly , the number of travelers who came to Greece by land increased by as much as 35.8% year-on-year . In August alone, this increase reached 22.8%. It seems that the reason for the sudden popularity of this means of transport is rather obvious. A sharp jump in air ticket prices and inflation meant that this year , as many as 7.7 million tourists preferred to travel to Greece on four wheels rather than fly. The main factor responsible for the large jump in airline ticket prices is the sharp increase in aviation fuel charges, which account for 15 to 35% of airlines' operating costs.

Flight costs to Greece among the highest in Europe

Data compiled by Mabrian, a company that analyzes tourist data, shows that when it comes to flight costs, Greece is among the five most expensive countries in Europe . Portugal has the most expensive airline tickets, followed by Spain, Greece, Turkey and Italy.

Comparing average monthly airfares from 157 countries around the world from July 2021 to June 2023, global flight prices have increased by 31 percent over the last 24 months . And Northern and Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia are the regions where average ticket prices have increased the most.

Gosia,  data_2023-10-02 20:11:31 2023-10-02 20:11:31
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