Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

The importance of reviews when choosing a hotel

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Choosing a hotel for a holiday stay can be difficult and, in fact, is to some extent an unknown. Many people are still disappointed with the existing conditions and the quality of service, and travel agencies are faced with many justified complaints from disappointed customers every year.

Fortunately, the times when the decision to choose a hotel could be made only on the basis of frosted photos in the offer catalog of travel agencies and a cleverly presented offer are over. The availability of various types of tourist websites that publish real photos and opinions of tourists about hotels and guesthouses is quite large. Before making a booking decision, it is worth taking advantage of the knowledge and experience of people who have already had the opportunity to spend time in a given place and read the posted opinions. Thanks to this, you can avoid disappointment and wasting money on poor seats.

Hotels in Agia Galini

This also applies to private accommodation whose owners understand the importance of positive reviews and high ratings from satisfied guests. Tourists choosing such places have certainly seen the information about the average rating obtained, e.g. in the Booking system, displayed at the reception.

Guest reviews under the microscope

The importance of guest reviews on hotels has become the focus of a report by Global One Digital, one of the leading digital agencies in Southeast Europe. According to the data provided in this report , 79% of customers give the opinions and ratings of Internet users the same weight as recommendations from friends . And it is worth noting that we look for opinions about proven places everywhere, not only on the official websites of hotels or tourist portals. For several years, access to them has also been provided by social media. Before the holidays, tourist groups are full of posts asking for recommendations of proven hotels and those with their own reviews.

Hotel in Elounda

Over 93% of customers read reviews before booking , and 86% are hesitant to make a choice if there are negative reviews. A complete lack of reviews also turns out to be costly because in this case as many as 52% of potential customers will not consider staying in such a facility at all. This is valuable information for those facilities that changed their name after image mishaps and theoretically start from scratch trying to attract customers again.

You need to strive for customer satisfaction by appreciating positive reviews. Marketers know that one satisfied customer will tell an average of five other potential customers, but one dissatisfied customer will tell as many as 10-12 other people. This rule also applies to reviews. Only 47% of visitors with a positive experience will leave a positive review, while as many as 95% of dissatisfied guests write reviews about the property . It is worth bearing this dependence in mind when reading reviews.

Hotel in Stalid

The average rating and the number of positive and negative comments are the first filter that helps to filter out potential hotels. However, the content of the negative ones is important. There will always be malcontents complaining about everything, but if similar allegations appear in more statements, it is worth rethinking the issue of your choice so as not to increase the number of dissatisfied people at your own request.

Unfortunately, it also works the other way around. 100% positive ratings and delighted reviewers can also seem suspicious. Unfortunately, in a world where fans can be bought, fabricating opinions is not uncommon. However, a lie usually has short legs because hardly anyone will return to the object caught in such manipulation.

Precious opinions

The Global One Digital report also confirms that it is worth striving for good opinions. The data shows that positive reviews help increase sales by an average of 18% and drive more customers. Guests are more likely to book hotels with high ratings, leading to increased occupancy. This, in turn, increases the chances of getting more positive reviews and getting a higher position in search engine rankings.

Hotel in Analipsi

As Dimitris Papoutsis, Managing Director of Globe One Digital, points out: “ Ratings and comments are now a key part of everyday life for hotel managers. The Internet has changed the data in this regard. Just as negative online reviews can damage a hotel's reputation, a serious positive review can help build a strong and respected reputation ." Therefore, it is worth reading the reviews, but it is also worth giving your opinions both when we are satisfied with the stay and when we have reservations. A wise manager will draw conclusions from negative feedback, which will improve the quality of the services offered.

What do guests appreciate?

In order for a hotel to receive the best ratings, it should emphasize certain areas that are particularly appreciated by reviewers. Among them, it is worth mentioning such as: customer service at the highest level, good condition of the facility, cleanliness, high quality of amenities and transparency of the offer. Guests also appreciate positive reviews when personalized experiences are offered and facilities keep pace with industry trends. It is also important that the staff encourages ratings and comments and responds to all statements. The reviews also often emphasize the friendly attitude towards their customers and the smiles on the employees' faces.

Guesthouse in Agios Pavlos

According to the Globe One Digital report, positive reviews are the first, but not the only step to increasing revenue. Hotels should use a number of other available tools and methods. Demand-based dynamic pricing tools and offering special rates for regular guests help. An idea worth considering is to create a loyalty program.

Modern facilities should take care of their functioning on the Internet. Presence on as many online travel platforms as possible and providing high-quality content such as photos, detailed descriptions or positive reviews are an important factor in increasing the credibility of the object.

The possibilities of analytics and big data can help in making key managerial decisions and choosing a course of action. The booking management system, Google Analytics and tracking technologies will help identify trends and areas where profitability and revenue can be increased.

Gosia,  data_2023-07-15 18:46:49 2023-07-15 18:46:49
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Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
Cudowne miasteczko
gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
I bardzo dobrze, Ci wspaniali ludzie zasługują na prosperite.
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