2023-04-11 19:39:42
Although we are still 4 years away from the opening of the new international airport in Kastelli, Crete, it is already attracting great interest from carriers and the tourist industry. This should not come as a surprise, as its launch will most likely drastically change the tourist scenery and will have an impact on the entire economy of the island.
Staying at Cretan airports is the weakest point of the holiday for many tourists. Small airports that are constantly overcrowded in the season, their standards definitely differ from other European airports. Therefore, the tourist industry in Crete has been waiting for a new airport for many years, which is currently being built in the town of Kastelli, thirty kilometers away from Heraklion. Its opening is scheduled for February 2027.
Although the airport is still under construction, the interest in it is so great that flights are already planned to connect Crete with the American and Asian continents. And this is just the beginning, because with the new airport Crete will open up the possibility of building a new network of direct air flights. The potential to generate such passenger traffic is already present, as part of it operates in the form of transfer connections via the Athens airport.
The new international airport near Heraklion will be the second busiest airport in Greece. It will be able to handle up to 18 million passengers a year. It is estimated that immediately after its opening, it will serve about 10 million travelers. In addition, with the opening of the new airport, we can expect the finalization of works on BOAK. Under this shortcut there is a project of an express road, which in a new version will allow tourists to cover the distance between the east and the west of the island faster.
It is expected that the implementation of these projects will attract the interest of large hotel companies such as Hilton, HG and Four Seasons. It can therefore be expected that in the years 2027-2030 we will see a new Crete. We just don't know if it's better. Another unanswered question is whether it will be a friendly place for individual tourists focused on active independent sightseeing.
The growing dynamics of tourist traffic, much better than expected, is strongly felt in the current, just started tourist season. Between March 26 and March 31, 12,000 tourists arrived at Heraklion airport. From April 1, there are 30-40 flights a day, and on weekends this number increases to 60-70 flights. It is estimated that 6-7% more arrivals are recorded in the same period compared to other years.
So far, only 25-30% of hotels have been opened, but more are opening every day. At the beginning of May, the remaining hotels are expected to open and at the same time the number of daily flights will increase. So it seems at the moment that the biggest concern of the industry is the lack of hands to work. A certain solution was to attract employees from third countries, but at the moment it has not been possible to patch this hole, because the interest is low. Cretan hoteliers estimate that about 4,000 vacancies are currently unfilled. The Association of Hoteliers in Heraklion alone would like to employ a trifle of 1,300 employees. Attempts to recruit personnel from other European countries, such as Romania and Bulgaria, are also underway.
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