Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Winter Carmel and snow rollers

data_2021-12-20 19:45:26 2021-12-20 19:45:26

The last weekend in Crete was influenced by the Carmel, i.e. the front which brought with it a northern wind with a force of up to 7 on the Beaufort scale, heavy rains and snowfall in higher places. Today's weather has already improved, but many areas of Crete have already been covered with snow.

Nida Plateau Nida Plateau
Photo source:

The white landscape greeted the inhabitants of the Sfakia region in southern Crete today. The Lassithi Plateau area also turned white, and schools were closed today. In some villages in this area, electricity was cut off due to a power outage.

It was no different in mountain towns located in the region of central Crete, such as Anogia, which is located on the outskirts of Psiloritis. 5 to 10 cm of snow fell here. It has also become white in the area of the Nida plateau. The area of the White Mountains was also covered with snow

Anogia The town of Anogia.
Photo source:

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Nida area in Crete

Nida Nida Plateau region.
Photo source:

Destruction at Koules

Heavy rainfall was the main problem in the lower parts of the island. Combined with the strong winds, they caused damage especially in the coastal areas of cities. The Venetian Port of Chania was slightly affected, but the greatest damage occurred at the Koules fortress in Heraklion. The asphalt surface around the fortress was damaged here.

Koules in HeraklionDilapidated surface around Koules The Koules fortress area of Heraklion.
Photo source:

Snow rollers - a rare phenomenon

The snowy and windy weather also caused an unusual climatic phenomenon - the so-called snow rollers. They were noticed by the Greek meteorologist Sakis Arnaoutoglou, who posted their photos on social media. Snow rolls may resemble large rolled rolls. In order for them to arise, strictly defined weather conditions must be met. This is why they are so rare. Their formation requires the presence of a sufficiently strong wind and, of course, snow. However, in order for such rollers to arise, the wind must be strong enough to move entire heaps of snow during the gusts. At the same time, however, it cannot be too strong not to destroy them. The second essential factor is fresh and sticky snow. Its top layer should be slightly above zero temperature. If, in addition, snow is on a ground that will not stick to it, then the wind literally rolls the snow creating such amazing formations.

Gosia,  data_2021-12-20 19:45:26 2021-12-20 19:45:26
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 Piekne miejsce...marzenie :)
 Trzeba chronić to miejsce za wszelką cenę. Wschodu słońca na tej plaży nie zapomnę nigdy
 Super,bo to unikalne miejsce.
 Χρόνια πολλά
 Cóż jeżdżą jak wariaci, nie przestrzegają przepisów, a ci co jeżdżą poprawnie to tylko poganiają, trąbią i stresują
 To co widziałem na wyspie tylko w ubiegłym roku, nie nadaje się do opisywania tutaj. Kreteńskie drogi, to dramat a BOAK jest osobną kategorią szaleństwa.
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