2020-03-10 20:21:25
On March 10, 1905, the Cretan Revolution erupted in the village of Therisso, later called the Therisso Revolution. Its leader was Eleftherios Venizelos, later the eight-time prime minister of Greece. In this way, the Cretans wanted to unite Crete with Greece.
The photo comes from the site zarpanews.gr
When in 1898 the Turkish army left the island, a substitute of parliament was created with Christian and Muslim deputies, and the function of High Commissioner of Crete was entrusted to the Greek prince Jerzy.
The authoritarian policy of Prince George, who also headed the government, was not recognized by a large part of the Cretan community. Although Venizelos initially held the office of minister of justice in the government of Prince George, the conflicting aspirations of both politicians led to the fact that their paths diverged quickly. The monarchist and royalist Prince George sought to introduce absolute rule and proclaim Crete an independent kingdom but under his scepter. Venizelos as the enemy of the Greek monarchy sought to introduce the republic and unite Crete with Greece. So he headed a strong opposition, whose representatives demanded a union with Greece and a change in the Constitution.
Initially about 1,000 revolutionaries took part in the Therisso uprising, but others joined in quite quickly. Prince George, supported by Russia, wanted to end quickly and brutally the activities of this nationalist movement, which began to take the form of a civil war. To suppress the uprising, they tried to use the Cretan Gendarmerie created by the prince. Fortunately, the fighting around Chania did not end with a large number of casualties. Nevertheless, Venizelos did not give in, and the final end of the fighting and preliminary agreement took place on November 15.
Eleftherios Venizelos
The following year, despite gaining a slight advantage over the Venizelos party in the election, Prince George was unable to calm the situation, and disputes increasingly divided the society. It was only as a result of British diplomacy that Prince Jerzy was dismissed from the post of High Commissioner. His place was taken by the former Greek Prime Minister Alexandr Zaimis, who was much more favorable to Venizelos's aspirations. As a result, after 2 years, Venizelos led to the unification of Crete with Greece and the creation of a new Constitution.
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