Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Icy Epiphany Festival 2020

data_2020-01-06 19:01:57 2020-01-06 19:01:57

Today, Epiphana, or Epiphany, is celebrated in Greece, which now officially ends Christmas. On this occasion, festive festivities were organized in many places in Crete. Due to the very difficult weather conditions in Greece today, the traditional fight for a cross thrown into the water did not attract too many daredevils. In Ierapeter, only two local residents were tempted to jump into the icy water. Few more volunteers found themselves in Chania. Only five men jumped into the icy water in the small bay of the Venetian Port. Below you can see a short video that was recorded during the Epiphany festival in Zaros.

In Platanias and in several other towns the organization of this spectacular competition was abandoned, and the sanctification of water was limited to the symbolic immersion of the cross in water. Initially, the celebration of Epiphana was also canceled in Heraklion. Ultimately, however, Bishop Knossos celebrated the ceremony of blessing the water, for there was a fairly large group of 12 brave men (among them one woman) who decided to fight for the cross thrown into the water and a special blessing. Alexander Kolovos was the first to reach the crucifix.

Alexander Kolovos, who fished the cross in Heraklion
photo source:

You can read more about Epiphana below:
This holiday was established in remembrance of the baptism of Jesus on the Jordan River, therefore in reference to this holiday the name Baptism is also used. You can find out for yourself in the Greek Orthodox Church in a rather special way by reading the following article. Of course, the form of rites and customs accompanying the main religious ceremonies may be slightly different depending on the region of Greece.
The holiday atmosphere is here the day before, on January 5. On this day the faithful go to church, fast dishes appear on the tables, and houses (and not only) are visited by the priest who saints them.

On January 6, the faithful gather in the churches of the Divine Liturgies, which is the equivalent of the Holy Mass according to the Liturgy of Saint. Basil the Great. Later, together with the priests, they go in a solemn procession towards the sea or other available water reservoir. In small villages away from the sea and other open water reservoirs, temples are simply put in the temples with water. The culminating moment of this festival is the dedication of water. After reading the prayer from the liturgical book, the priest immerses the wooden cross three times in water.

Epiphany Day

The photo comes from the website, where you can also see other photos
made in Heraklion during today's holiday.

Last year's Epiphany celebrations in Chania, Crete

In Greece, if the festivities take place over an open water reservoir (sea, river, lake), the ceremony is more spectacular. The priest throws the cross into the water three times (though as we have not always noticed). He is tied to a sash, so after the first and second throwing it is pulled out by the priest. Only the third time, as a sign of ritual purification of the soul, eager men who want to fish for the crucifix jump into the water. Although the beginning of January does not inspire anyone to swim in the sea, however, on this day there will always be a group of daredevils who will gladly jump into the water. The one who catches the cross first will be able to enjoy happiness and blessing throughout the coming year. The rest of the swimmers generally kiss the crucifix caught in turn. The festivities end with the release of white pigeons from the sacred water. Depending on the region of Greece, the main ceremonies are enriched by additional local rituals, e.g. throwing oranges into the water, washing icons and agricultural tools in dedicated water.

This day fasting is no longer valid, so meat dishes appear on the tables.
In Crete, the old, rather forgotten, culinary custom was to prepare a dish called fotokoliva ( Φωτοκόλυβα ). This dish was prepared on the eve of Epiphany. It's a type of soup from various legumes. She was eaten the next day, feeding her animals as well. This was to ensure good health and wealth in homes. Chickpeas, wheat, lentils, fava beans and plain beans were used to cook Φωτοκόλυβα. It was served with lemon and Cretan oil, garnished with fresh onions and dill.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2020-01-06 19:01:57 2020-01-06 19:01:57
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 Joanna Gumienna- Zalewska
Joanna Gumienna- Zalewska
2020-01-06 18:29:21

Tak z ciekawości zapytam, ile stopni ma teraz woda w morzu? :)

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2020-01-06 20:21:54

Tego nie wiemy, ale temperatura powietrza miała około 6-7 stopni, wiał silny wiatr i miejscami padał deszcz.

 Sławomir Bojan
Sławomir Bojan
2020-01-06 22:12:59

Wczoraj w Bałtyku, słoneczko i duże fale. Woda 3 stopnie.

gość PiotrWie
2020-01-07 19:35:49

Wg WeatherOnline  18- 19 stopni, a więc zdecydowanie więcej od powietrza

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W Jeorjopouli montowali parasole kilka dni temu. No jestem ciekawa czy teraz będą demontować.
gość PiotrWie : Nam się podoba - może znowu da się jeździć na Kretę. Miłośników leżaków zapraszamy z powrotem na północne wybrzeże.
Bardzo się cieszę. Mnie to odpowiada, bo nie znoszę głośnej muzyki na plaży i coraz trudniej było znaleźć miejsce bez leżaków. Jak ktoś chce leżaki to zapewne znajdzie odpowiednie miejsce.
W Falasarnie byłam ostatnio jakieś 2-3 lata temu. Leżak na leżaku, głośna muzyka z baru, co najmniej dwa kłady, kursujące tam i z powrotem co kilka minut, generujace niesamowity hałas i smród.... a pamiętam jeszcze czasy, jak można było na tej plaży rozłożyć się z kocykiem w ciszy i spokoju, eh... no cóż może i szkoda miejsc pracy, ale ludzie wszystko potrafią zniszczyć i nie znają umiaru jeśli chodzi o kasę, ... (...)
Bardzo dobrze. Jak ktoś nie chce wypożyczać leżaka, to miejsca musi szukać na drugim końcu wyspy i w najbrzydszej okolicy.
Małe sprostowanie. Określenie "Fałszywe plaże" jest błędne. Chodzi tu o "Niezadeptane plaże" (gr. Απάτητες παραλίες) ;)
To znaczy, że z Falasarny znikną baldachimy do leżenia? Trochę rewolucja.
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