Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Cities on the island of Crete



Sitia is the city that has the most "naj" in its sleeve ;-) It is the smallest city of Crete, the easternmost, with the quietest atmosphere and although it is the least developed compared to other Cretan cities, it's its residents are the most warm visitors. Less than 10,000 population of Sitia makes the city the smallest in Crete. Some even go a step further and say perversely that it is rather the largest village of Crete.

Ierapetra - the hottest city of Crete

Ierapetra - the hottest city of Crete

Ierapetra (Ιεράπετρα) is the fourth largest city of Crete and also the largest town located in the Lassithi prefecture. It is located on the south-eastern coast of the island, in the place of its characteristic narrowing. The name of the largest city in this part of Crete is by no means synonymous with some astronomical number of people living permanently in Ierapetra. In 2011, it was only about 16 thousand inhabitants.



Redirected from the side - Olous - ancient Elounda. Although Elounda seems to be a sleepy fishing town to this day, however, appearances should not fool you, because this town and its surroundings can boast of probably the largest number of hotels with the highest standards of service. Beautiful landscape and an amazing view of the Mirambello bay is the reason why Elounda was so quickly and greedily absorbed by modern mass tourism. In luxurious SPA resorts, the most famous guests from Greece and around the world spend their holidays. It was in this place that Lady Gaga rested,



Although Elounda seems to be a sleepy fishing town to this day, however, appearances should not fool you, because this town and its surroundings can boast of probably the largest number of hotels with the highest standards of service. Beautiful landscape and an amazing view of the Mirambello bay is the reason why Elounda was so quickly and greedily absorbed by modern mass tourism. In luxurious SPA resorts, the most famous guests from Greece and around the world spend their holidays. It was in this place that Lady Gaga rested,

Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos (Άγιος Νικόλαος) is a small town with less than 20,000 inhabitants. permanent residents (according to statistical data from 2001). This city is the capital of the Lasithi nomos. It is located in the central-eastern part of Crete, about 65 kilometers east of Heraklion. It is one of the first tourist resorts in Crete. Already in 1965, much earlier than in other cities of this island, the first hotel was opened here. Currently, Agios Nikolaos does not play such an important role in servicing tourist traffic in Crete, as it did years ago. Despite the fact that the city must now compete with other towns located in this area of ​​Crete (such as Plaka, Elounda, Istro, Kalo Chori), every year thousands of tourists rest here from all corners of Europe.

Rethymnon - a city of the Renaissance

Rethymnon - a city of the Renaissance

Rethymnon with less than 40,000 inhabitants, it is the third and largest city of Crete after Heraklion and Chania. The city lies in the north-western part of Crete, more or less in the middle of the New National Road section connecting Chania and Heraklion. Despite the fact that this place was already populated in the Minoan period, almost no traces from that period have survived to this day.



Redirected from the site - Xania. Chania (Χανιά) is the second largest (after Heraklion) city of Crete. Although the official number of residents does not exceed 58 thousand. however, together with the neighboring towns, Chania forms an agglomeration with a population of approximately 130,000. people. Chania is located on the northern coast of the island, about 70 km west of Rethymno and 145 km west of Heraklion.



Redirected from the site - Hania. Chania (Χανιά) is the second largest (after Heraklion) city of Crete. Although the official number of residents does not exceed 58 thousand. however, together with the neighboring towns, Chania forms an agglomeration with a population of approximately 130,000. people. Chania is located on the northern coast of the island, about 70 km west of Rethymno and 145 km west of Heraklion.



Chania (Χανιά) is the second largest (after Heraklion) city of Crete. Although the official number of residents does not exceed 58 thousand. however, together with the neighboring towns, Chania forms an agglomeration with a population of approximately 130,000. people. Chania is located on the northern coast of the island, about 70 km west of Rethymno and 145 km west of Heraklion.



Redirected from the site - Iraklio. Heraklion (Iraklion) is the largest city of Crete. With almost 140,000 inhabitants, it is the fourth largest Greek city. Together with the neighboring towns, it forms an agglomeration of around 200,000 people. The important role played by Heraklion in Crete is underlined by the fact that the city is also the administrative capital of the island.



Heraklion (Iraklion) is the largest city of Crete. With almost 140,000 inhabitants, it is the fourth largest city in Greece. Together with the adjacent towns, it forms an agglomeration of about 200,000 people. The important role that Heraklion plays in Crete is emphasized by the fact that the city is also the administrative capital of the island.



Information about one of the more known tourist cities of Crete, or about Malia. Description of attractions located in the city of Malia and a description of the specificity of this town.


Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe

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