Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Car map of Crete Terrain publishing house

Map of Terrain For a long time now we have been trying to find a worthy successor to our old map of Crete, published by Freytag & Berndt, with which we have been traveling around Crete from the very beginning. Apart from its disastrous physical condition, the change is also supported by the fact that it has become obsolete because it was released before 2008. Since then, quite a lot of new roads have appeared on Crete, and some of the gravel roads have gained an asphalt surface. So the time has come to buy a completely new map. At the end of last year's autumn, using promotional prices in one of the online stores, we bought a map of the renowned Terrain publishing house. We put a lot of hopes in it, the more so because last year's attempt to replace the map turned out to be a failure

The Terrain publishing product is a rather compact 1: 200,000 car map sold in a rigid plastic case that will surely perform well in protective functions. It is worth mentioning that the material from which it is made is some artificial material (or paper composite) that is waterproof and very strong. You must use a lot of force to break the map or use some sharp tool. It certainly bodes well when it comes to its lifespan.

The map is supplemented by a few schematic plans of the largest cities of Crete, which will certainly facilitate hiking in their area. The layout of the streets of Rethymno, Chania, Heraklion and Agios Nikolaos is quite well illustrated. On the map of Terrain you will also find the plan of the island of Gavdos, which must also be considered a plus. A positive aspect is also the fact that the names of all villages are written using both the Greek and Latin alphabets.

Our map of Crete
Our old map Freytag & Berndt is in really bad condition

Let's move to the minuses, however, because they are the most important and disqualify this map for us as a successor to F & B. Unfortunately, it is really a car map, which does not hide the publisher, classifying it in this category. So it will only work in such situations, when you travel around Crete mainly by car, not getting out of it too often. It is not suitable for hiking and exploratory exploration of Crete, because it is too schematic and simplified. Some of the smaller asphalt roads have not been applied, not to mention some good gravels. This situation is partly due to the fact that the Terrain publishing house offers very detailed maps of Crete divided into three areas covering the central, western and eastern parts of the island. A precise one-piece car map would be too much competition for that series.

More demanding and experienced walkers visiting Crete on their own feet should choose this triple edition of the Crete map for walking.

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Crete map of the Freytag & Berndt publishing house

Crete map of the Freytag & Berndt publishing house

The Freytag & Berndt map is a classic map on a scale of 1: 150,000, printed on plain good paper. This results in the fact that in terms of physical functionality in comparison with competitors' products it will be very poor. The price for which it is offered, you can buy laminated maps with much longer life and ease of folding.

CRETE - ExpressMap, not exactly comfort! maps

CRETE - ExpressMap, not exactly comfort! maps

Crete - ExpressMap is a double-sided laminated map in the cover. Its dimensions are small: 100 x 48 cm after unfolding, and in the composite form it is only 11 x 24 cm. The plan of Crete was presented in 1: 150,000 scale. In addition, the publisher on both sides also posted the plans of major cities: Heraklion, Rethymnon, Chania, Agios Nikolaos, Ierapetra and Sitia, which are sketched on a scale of 1:10 000. There is also a small plan of islet Gavdos (1: 150,000).


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