Have you already had the opportunity to read the book by Tomasz Zaród "Zorba 50 years later published by @greckie klimaty? We are fresh after reading and would like to share our insights about it with you. This is a very unique project that we are pleased to be the media patron of.
The nearly 300-page Baedeker guide issued by the Pascal publishing house in 2007 (issue 1) is almost an encyclopedic item. Baedeker has 150 years of experience in creating tourist literature and tries to publish his publications tailoring them to the needs of tourists. The guide is very comfortable in many ways and its formula well thought out and refined.
The Navigator Guide from the Navigator series is relatively cheap and will not deplete your portfolio too much. For about PLN 20 you will get a well-published small book that has been printed on thick paper of good quality. In our opinion, this pocket edition from the Navigator series will be a perfect complement to encyclopedic guides such as the "Crete" Baedeker publishing house. Recommended.
The "Kreta" guide from Dumont publishing house (in Poland printed by PWN) is another very handy pocket publication that is sold at a reasonable price of less than PLN 20. As with other such small guides, you will not find many descriptions of places here, and the amount of information provided is clearly limited by a small format of 19 x 10 cm and a small number of pages. Despite these restrictions Klaus Bötig managed to put quite a lot of interesting information in it.
The Discovery Channel guide published by the RM Publishers in 2007 is a 120-page translation of the English collective study. The main author of the texts is Brigitte Seckendorff-Kourgierakis, who, while working on this guide, crossed Crete along the breadth. For this reason, this book is a special item on our market because it is based on the experience of the author and her friends.
The Freytag & Berndt map is a great affection, because its previous edition has faithfully accompanied us during several previous trips. Despite such a long period of exploitation, it is difficult to remember the situation in which this map "lost" us in Crete. Even its gigantic dimensions sometimes proved to be an advantage, because often this map landed during a standstill under the windshield of the car, acting as a roller blind protecting the cabin from the sun :).
Pascal's Guide to Crete from 2006 (with resumption in 2009) belongs to the series of guides around the world, which are characterized by a small format (24 x 11 cm), a soft spiral binding and a colorful cover with a large, vertical name of the described place. This graphic design makes these guides easily recognized on the shelf in the bookstore. The Crete Guide is a collective study translated from English with 192 pages.
Crete - ExpressMap is a double-sided laminated map in the cover. Its dimensions are small: 100 x 48 cm after unfolding, and in the composite form it is only 11 x 24 cm. The plan of Crete was presented in 1: 150,000 scale. In addition, the publisher on both sides also posted the plans of major cities: Heraklion, Rethymnon, Chania, Agios Nikolaos, Ierapetra and Sitia, which are sketched on a scale of 1:10 000. There is also a small plan of islet Gavdos (1: 150,000).
The Terrain publishing product is a rather compact 1: 200,000 car map sold in a rigid plastic case that will surely perform well in protective functions. It is worth mentioning that the material from which it is made is some artificial material (or paper composite) that is waterproof and very strong. You must use a lot of force to break the map or use some sharp tool. It certainly bodes well when it comes to its lifespan.
Anyone who is close to the topic of Greece certainly knows the name of Dionisios Sturis, who for a long time is trying to bring the problems of Ellada residents to the Poles. Many people associate him with the TOK FM radio, where he is a "duty" journalist dealing with the strike of Greece.
Description of the history of Crete. The genesis of the creation of culture, the most important events from the far and near past of this island.
Description of the geographical location and conditions of Crete. Fig geological structure, description of the most important areas and their diversity. Examples of fauna and flora found on this island.
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