2024-12-22 19:17:55
Planned and unplanned power outages in Crete are part of the local "color" of the island. While permanent residents have learned to accept these inconveniences, for tourists, sudden power outages lasting many hours were rather an unpleasant diversion from their holiday stay on the island. Many people vacationing in Crete have had to deal with such a situation, and handwritten bills in shops are the least of their worries at such moments. A much bigger problem is a non-working air conditioning, no water in the taps or a switched off refrigerator. Shop and tavern owners are of course prepared for such emergency situations, so when the power goes out, everyone starts generators, the loud operation of which cannot be ignored.
Work on the construction of a power connection
Photo source: www.rethemnosnews.gr
However, it seems that with the start of the new tourist season, we can forget about such difficulties to some extent. Last week, the construction of the Crete-Attica electric connection was completed, which, after tests and acceptance, is to be put into service in the spring of 2025.
The energy connection between Crete and the mainland brings many benefits. For consumers, this means lower costs (or so they say). The Greek economy will benefit from reduced fuel imports, and the environment will benefit from reduced emissions and increased use of renewable energy sources. The benefits will be felt by everyone, especially in the summer, when the high tourist season and the arrival of solid heat increase the demand for electricity.
The launch of the new method of supplying Crete with electricity will mean abandoning conventional methods of generating energy on the island. The benefits of this reduction are estimated at around 300 million euros per year, while at the same time reducing emissions by more than 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
The construction of the power link between Crete and Attica began in 2020. It is currently the largest and most complex electricity transmission project in Greece. An intermediate stage was the commissioning of the power link between Chania and the Peloponnese in 2021. The Crete–Attica interconnection, which is the second stage of connecting Crete to the continental system, will remove the island's electrical isolation and ensure its energy security once launched.
Of course, the appearance and quality of the local grid (such as in the photo above) and possible failures caused by its condition are a completely separate issue. An energy bridge between Crete and the mainland will not solve the problems in this case. Nevertheless, one can be sure that when it comes to the amount of available energy, the island should feel safe.
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Kamil Trubiłowicz Dzięki za zdjęcia. Pracujesz przy tym projekcie?
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CRETE - Kreta zakończyliśmy dostawy w maju 2024
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„Dzięki” temu projektowi w górach Krety będą mogły powstać dziesiątki km nowych dróg, wlane tam zostaną tysiące ton betonu, po czym ustawione będą setki giga-turbin wiatrowych. Brak kabla przeszkadzał w planach, które można obejrzeć na stronie greckiej ΡΑΕ. W skrócie: góry Krety mogą powielić los wielu rozjechanych gór Eubei czy Etoloakarnanii
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Tomasz Piotr Kozłowski Niestety to już się dzieje, są organizowane protesty, ale w TV tego nikt nie zobaczy
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Panie Tomaszu, przetazilam się jak przeczytałam pańskie słowa. Może tak być "tragicznie" i złowrogo dla dzikiej lub nieucywilizowanej natury?
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Tomasz Piotr Kozłowski Cóż, przykre to co piszesz. Ale czas pokaże czy te pomysły zostaną zrealizowane. Kreta zmienia się czy nam się to podoba czy nie, a władze tak jak wszędzie, nie pytają obywateli o zdanie. Nowa szybka droga, która powstanie na północnym wybrzeżu, też pociągnie za sobą wiele konsekwencji. Realizacja tych obydwu projektów to obecnie priorytet dla greckiego rządu. Tak jak wszędzie, jest coraz większy apetyt na pieniądze.
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z jednej strony spalanie mazutu jest nie fajne,tania energia z wiartu juz tak.moze zaczna przetwarzac smieci i scieki?starej Krety i tak juz niema.
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