Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Love HER - Heraklion's promotional campaign

data_2024-08-26 20:37:10 2024-08-26 20:37:10

The capital of Crete and the largest city on the island has launched a new advertising campaign, “Love HER – 5 senses 365 Days”. The name cleverly uses the first three letters of the city’s name (HER aklion), which is also the IATA code for the local airport. This has created an interesting play on words in the campaign, which emphasizes that the city can be experienced with all five senses all year round.

The campaign was initiated by the City Council to encourage visitors to experience, discover and love the rich history, culture and flavours of Heraklion. Combining historic charm with contemporary amenities, Heraklion offers a rich range of experiences that make every visit unforgettable. The city seamlessly combines tradition and modernity, making it a unique and fascinating destination for all who discover it.

So how do we explore Heraklion with our senses?

See the monuments, discover the beauty hidden in ancient buildings, the cultural heritage of the city, as well as in the picturesque landscapes surrounding the city.

Touch and experience the warmth and hospitality of the city's inhabitants. Feel their cordiality and learn about their way of life and local traditions.

Taste traditional Cretan dishes prepared in Heraklion's tavernas. Enjoying dishes made from local ingredients and Cretan wines is a great way to get to know the specifics of Crete. The inclusion of Heraklion on the UNESCO list of "International Gastronomic Destinations" is a testament to the culinary offerings of this city.

The scent is the aroma of Cretan herbs, fresh oregano, rosemary and sage, juicy fruits ripening in full sun, which can be bought in Heraklion at local markets. We will add to this the scent of the sea and the first breath of the amazing Cretan air, which we experience when leaving the plane at the nearby airport.

Listen and feel what Heraklion sounds like? It is not only the hustle and bustle of the streets and the cacophony of horns, which the more nervous residents of the city like to use. It is also Cretan music coming from the taverns and the Greek language heard at every step. It is also the booming sounds of ships' sirens approaching the port and the sound of waves breaking on the breakwater at the Koules fortress.

Only by using the full spectrum of your own senses can you feel and taste the true face of Heraklion.

Gosia,  data_2024-08-26 20:37:10 2024-08-26 20:37:10
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2024-08-26 20:08:48

Super ta gra słów - podoba mi się

2024-08-26 20:19:09

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