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The war over the Sfakia cake

data_2024-04-17 20:49:25 2024-04-17 20:49:25

It happens that more or less local wars and wars break out for quite trivial reasons. This time, the cause of a major dispute was the Sfakia cake, a local delicacy typical of the Sfakia region in Crete. Some media even write about a local vendetta, although no one has murdered anyone yet...

Sfakian Pie - Sfakian pie

At the beginning, to introduce the topic to people who have not yet had the opportunity to get to know and taste the famous Σφακιανής πίτας, without going into details, we would like to inform you that it is a flat cake the size of a pancake. Its characteristic feature is that it is kneaded with mizithra cheese and after frying, served with honey. So what made this simple local delicacy become the subject of controversy?

You've got some cake, grandma

Well, the Association of Cretan Tradition and Culture "Asterousia Ori" based in Thessaloniki decided to organize the 1st Sphaki Cake Festival on July 4. Eating the pancakes was to be accompanied by tsikoudia tasting, Cretan music and dancing. Unfortunately, the native Sfakians did not like this idea. This idea offended their local patriotism so much that the matter was brought to the attention of the local authorities. Representatives of the Sfakia regional government wrote and sent a letter protesting against the organization of this event. They justify their objection by saying that it is a delicacy associated and promoted only in Sfakia, Crete. Therefore, they do not want a twin festival to be organized in Thessaloniki. Alternatively, they suggest that the event organizers should refrain from using the name "Sfakian pie" to promote the event. This protest was even supported by Pavlos Polakis, a SYRIZA MP from Chania, who wrote on Facebook: "What will happen in Thessaloniki will be appropriated by clever people who appropriate things that do not belong to them!!!"

We would like to add that the Sfaki region has actually been organizing its own Sfaki pie festival in Chora Sfakion for 9 years now, which has become one of the largest events in the region. The authors of the protest letter also invite the organizers of the disputed festival to their own festival organized in the cradle of the famous pie.

In the above video you can see what the "original" Sfaki cake festival looks like

It might seem that this problem has a marketing background and is a simple way of using a local delicacy to promote the event. One could even agree with the Sfakians who reacted quite nervously because they felt offended and even robbed of their exclusivity rights.

It's time for the other side of the coin

However, one of the Cretan Internet portals contacted Vassilis Papiomitoglou, the president of the Association of Cretan Tradition and Culture "Asterousia Ori". As it turns out, the president from Rethymno said that the members of this organization know perfectly well that the disputed cake comes from Sfakia. Moreover, by organizing this event, the association wanted to celebrate Sfakia and thus bring the Sfakia region and the famous controversial cake closer to the inhabitants of Thessaloniki.

As Papiomitoglou said, the Association has been working to spread Cretan culture in Thessaloniki for over 20 years. All people working in the association are Cretan and they love Crete very much. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to accept the fact that representatives of the Sfakia region want to prohibit the organization of this event. The two places are separated by about 1,000 kilometers, so the planned festival is not a competition and will not harm the native Sfaki people. Moreover, this festival will be an opportunity to attract people from Sfakia who currently live near Thessaloniki or Macedonia. Finally, Papiomitoglou said that although they were saddened by the whole situation, they did not intend to respond to the letter or to resign from organizing the festival.

What do you think about this conflict? Who do you think is right?

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2024-04-17 18:59:11



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