2024-02-29 20:28:07
Thyme honey is one of the most recognizable and characteristic local products of Crete. It is also one of the most frequently purchased and brought back from Cretan products during holidays. Anyone who has tried it probably remembers its specific taste, which cannot be found in other honeys.
Scientific research currently being carried out at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering under a contract with the Region of Crete may prove crucial for the future of this product. The analyzes carried out during this research confirm that thyme honeys from Crete have very different properties from the corresponding honeys from the rest of Greece, as well as those obtained from apiaries in Spain or Portugal.
Professor Elia Psyllaki, who leads this research, estimates that by the end of 2024 she will be able to present final results on the properties and specificity of Cretan thyme honey. 100 samples of honey from various apiaries in Crete were collected for research and are now being thoroughly analyzed. Prof. Psyllaki also says that its scientific team is able to identify ingredients that may deteriorate the quality of honey and investigate the issue of honey adulteration.
The research results may become a milestone in the process of recognizing Cretan thyme honey as a product with a protected geographical indication. This will help document its quality, highlight specific local features, and, most importantly, provide legal protection for both the product itself and its producers. Nowadays, honey is one of the most frequently counterfeited goods, and its fakes from China and Turkey literally flood the European market. Unfortunately, without legal protection confirming the uniqueness of honey, its producers in Europe are basically defenseless.
To carry out its research, the laboratory received funding of EUR 80,000 from the authorities of the Crete Region. The second source of financing were private companies that helped obtain equipment worth EUR 250,000. In the future, this equipment will also be used to analyze other food products produced in Crete.
We will certainly follow the further developments of this research. If, thanks to them, Cretan thyme honey will be entered into the Register of Protected Geographical Indications in the future, it will be another success confirming on an international forum the uniqueness of not only Cretan but also Greek products.
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