Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

A Cretan surprise in the Trip Advisor ranking of the best beaches

data_2024-02-25 18:59:43 2024-02-25 18:59:43

A few weeks have passed since the publication of the ranking of the best travel destinations in 2024, Trip Advisor published the results of the Travelers' Choice Awards Best of the Best Beaches. This ranking is divided into the best beaches in the world and individual continents. Two Greek beaches were included in the ranking of the best beaches in the world and four in the ranking of the best beaches in Europe. Two Cretan beaches also appeared in the rankings, but, which is a big surprise, this time it is neither the Balos lagoon nor Elafonissi beach.

Falassarna Falasarna Beach

These two postcard beaches of Crete have regularly appeared in TripAdvisor rankings for many years. Let us remind you that the Travelers' Choice rankings are based on Internet users' opinions and are an indicator of popularity and trends in the upcoming season. This year's absence of Balos and Elafonissi beaches in this ranking may be a bit surprising, but it is worth noting that these beaches have appeared in increasingly distant positions in these rankings in recent years. This year, Internet users decided to appreciate two other extraordinary beaches of Crete. So the king is dead, long live the king!

Let's start with the winners of this year's Travelers' Choice Awards Best of the Best Beaches. In both the world and European rankings, the first place was taken by the Portuguese beach Praia da Falésia, while the second place also in both rankings belongs to the Italian beach Spiaggia dei Conigli located on the island of Lampedusa.

Falasarna Beach
Falasarna Beach

When it comes to the representation of Greek beaches on the list of the 25 best beaches in the world, Falassarna beach in Crete was ranked 19th, and Myrtos beach located in Kefalonia was ranked 23rd. The presence of Falassarna on the world list is a debut, as this beach has appeared twice in recent years only on the list of the best European beaches. As you can see, this place is becoming more and more popular, and many tourists choose it as the best and most favorite beach in Crete.

Falassarna is also present in the ranking of the best 25 European beaches and took 6th place in this ranking. Interestingly, another Cretan beach debuted on this list. The beach in Matala took 14th place in the European ranking. This beach is mainly associated with its unusual location at the foot of a characteristic rock with caves and the annual Matala Beach Festival.

Other Greek beaches appreciated by Internet users include Myrtos in Kefalonia (8th) and Anthony Quinn Bay in Rhodes (12th).

Matala Beach Matala Beach

Gosia,  data_2024-02-25 18:59:43 2024-02-25 18:59:43
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2024-02-25 18:21:05

Zawsze mówię, że to królowa!!!

2024-02-25 18:53:15

Jola Ostraszewska i ja też

2024-02-25 19:57:32

Dla mnie numer 1

2024-02-25 20:03:11

Małgorzata Suchenek dla mnie też

2024-02-25 21:22:48

Piękna jest, dla mnie również nr.1

2024-02-25 22:23:27

dla mnie Falasarna też jest najlepsza i najładniejsza i chętnie tam pojadę może kiedyś:)

2024-02-25 23:19:31

Byłam i potwierdzam . Jest cudowna.


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