2023-10-12 20:15:37
Olive oil is often called liquid gold. While until now it was simply an elegant metaphor, from this year the dramatically rising prices of olive oil will make it take on a completely different dimension.
The Mediterranean countries are the region where as much as 80% of the world's olive oil is produced. Unfortunately, as a result of extreme weather phenomena, this year's olive oil production will be reduced by as much as 40% compared to last year. This situation resulted in a sharp increase in prices of last year's European stocks of olive oil, which are now exhausted. The latest prices of olive oil from last year's harvest are at the level of €8.84 per kilogram of olive oil in Spain, and as much as €12 per kg of olive oil in Italy. This means that these prices are the highest in over a quarter of a century.
Unfortunately, it is certain that in the coming months it will be difficult to replenish olive oil supplies in households, especially in those countries where its consumption is the highest.
The problems began at the end of last year, when Spain, the largest olive oil producer in the world, had last year's harvest reduced by half. Now it has announced that in order to meet the demand, at least until this year's harvest, it is forced to import olive oil from Chile from South America.
Italy, the second largest producer of olive oil, also had problems last year as its trees were affected by a disease that destroyed a large part of the crop.
According to the International Olive Council, global olive oil production is expected to fall to 2.4 million tonnes this year, well below global demand currently around 3 million tonnes.
Unfortunately, the dramatic decline in olive oil production is a consequence of the very high temperatures that prevailed in summer in this region of Europe and the prolonged drought. Olive trees bore much less fruit than before, and many olive groves burned down during numerous fires that occurred during the heat wave.
Extreme weather events in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Morocco raise further concerns about the prospects for the olive oil market. Some countries, such as Turkey and Tunisia, have even temporarily suspended the export of their olive oil abroad to lower its prices on the domestic market.
Last year, Crete produced 120-140,000 tons of olive oil, which was a very good result after several previous difficult years. However, this year Cretan olive oil production is estimated to be only between 35,000 and 40,000 tonnes. Preliminary estimates say that olive oil from the new harvest will be sold by producers for over €9.5 per kilogram in wholesale, but we will have to wait until the first days of November for the price to be determined. When it comes to the price for retail consumers, it is expected that a 5-liter can of olive oil may cost up to €50. It is also worth remembering that the price of Greek olive oil also depends on the situation on the global olive oil market and the constantly increasing demand.
The current market situation and the drastic price increase make the prices from 4 years ago seem unrealistic, when in Crete the price of purchased olive oil was only €3.5 per kilogram. Prices have been slowly rising for 2-3 years, but the highest price jump occurred only in the last months of this year.
Price madness and the expected small harvest of olives mean that entrepreneurs operating on the olive oil market are beginning to fear theft of the harvested fruit. Various methods are being considered to ensure the safety of crops and harvests. Some people are thinking about using digital security measures by placing microchips in the collected olives so that in the event of theft it will be possible to trace the stolen goods.
Olive oil consumers in such a situation are also exposed to fraud. In the pursuit of profit and the general shortage of olive oil, counterfeit olive oil will certainly appear on the market. In the coming months, we should pay special attention to what and from whom we buy.
Information has even been published for consumers to be alert to possible fraud attempts. We will also mention them, because in Poland olive oil is gaining more and more supporters and is eagerly brought in holiday suitcases. During normal seasons, fraud occurs, such as selling oil other than olive oil colored in a similar color or oil with very poor parameters (e.g. pomace oil). It can be expected that in times when olive oil will be scarce and its price will be very high, there will be many more such frauds.
- Olive oil should only be purchased from legal sales points. They are controlled during inspections carried out by the Greek Quality Control Agency.
- Read labels on packaging very carefully. It should contain information about the oil category (EXTRA VIRGIN, etc.), the approval number of the standardization body (EL ----) and the details of the person running the business. Producers of good olive oil also provide information about the acidity of the oil.
- Avoid buying olive oil from random anonymous roadside sellers. You need to be particularly sensitive to special occasions and suspiciously favorable prices, especially in places where tourists go on a one-off trip. When you buy olive oil on holiday, you usually only open it at home when it is too late to complain.
- You should also approach online sales with caution. It is best to look for good and proven sellers who provide information that guarantees their credibility. We, for our part, can recommend the store www.kreta24.pl , which for many years has been importing high-quality olive oils to Poland purchased directly from producers - usually small family businesses in Crete and the rest of Greece.
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Tak, ceny poszybowały w górę. To są ceny, które obecnie dostaje rolnik za oliwę z zeszłorocznych zbiorów, bo na nowe zbiory jeszcze trochę poczekamy. Pamiętajcie, że rolnik jest najniższym szczeblem w tej drabinie zanim oliwa trafia w wasze ręce.
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Izabela Brzoska dokładnie , tak w sumie to zabawne :)
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Izabela Brzoska i na nich "świeża" i najlepsza oliwa się nigdy nie kończy ;)
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CRETE - Kreta W lipcu już były wysokie ceny za oliwę od rolnika, strach pomyśleć co turyści przy przydrożnych straganach kupowali i co kupują teraz. A kiedy czytam na grupach pytania, gdzie można kupić (obecnie)dobrą oliwę lub ,,nie za miliony " to z czystym sumieniem mogę polecić tylko miejscowe supermarkety, gdzie jeszcze są pozostałości towaru z zeszłego roku i z zeszłoroczną ceną.
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Izabela Brzoska Zgadza się. Cena ostateczna dla detalicznego konsumenta jest jeszcze wyższa.
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I na koniec pyk post na grupie z opisem w stylu: zakupy u pani Bogusi zrobione ;)
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Izabela Brzoska w samo sedno :) . Dodam , że ta oliwa straganowa kilka miesięcy po zbiorach nawet niekoniecznie pochodzi z Krety.
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Izabela Brzoska no niestety. Tym bardziej, że niektóre z tych straganów owiane są na grupach wręcz legendą. Osobiście nie kupilibyśmy w takich miejscach oliwy.
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Tadeusz Gruszczynski ...a później wracają turyści do swoich krajów, z walizkami po brzegi wypełnionymi oliwą najniższej jakości kupioną przez nich na straganie( i nie tylko), która wcześniej była kupiona przez ,,rolnika" hurtowo w fabryce. Uczciwe zakupy można zrobić na początku sezonu. Przy takiej ilości chętnych na ,,oliwę od rolnika" i dziesiątki tysięcy samochodów przejeżdżających dziennie przy popularnych trasach, sama się zastanawiam skąd ta oliwa, miody i zioła się biorą...
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CRETE - Kreta ,,Bogusia" w tym raju nie jedno ma imię
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Z moich rozmów z producentami wynika (a współpracuje z ponad 30 z Grecji) najbardziej podrożeje ( i podrożała ) oliwa kulinarna od dużych masowych producentów. Mniejsi , mający swoje własne plantacje i produkujący wyłącznie oliwę "single estate" klasy premium pod swoją marką nie zwiększają drastycznie cen. Korekta nastąpi wyłącznie o wzrost kosztów związanych z pracą /ludzi do pracy brakuje/ oraz opakowaniami , tekturą do opakowań itp. Trzeba również pamiętać ,że pod koniec grudnia skończy się w Polsce opodatkowanie oliwy stawką VAT 0% , jeżeli rząd zostawi stawkę dotychczasową 5% korekta cen będzie nieznaczna , jeżeli stawka wzrośnie do poziomu innych krajów UE jak na przykład Czechy 19% Irlandia 23%, czy Dania 25% ceny wzrosną bardzo drastycznie. W tej chwili przystawce VAT 0% w Polsce oliwa jest najtańsza w UE.
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Joanna W-ska z cenami okaże się za 2-3tygodnie zobaczymy. Nie sądzę aby oliwa "high phenolic" skoczyła drastycznie.
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Tadeusz GruszczynskiWracamy z Keto Filip Z Konopi do picia oliwy wysokopolifenolowej. Jak kształtują się potencjalne ceny na ten rok 2023/24? Duży skok? Zamierzam oczywiście zdążyć zmieścić się w 0 Vat
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