2023-04-29 19:38:18
The Environment and Climate Organization (ΟΦYΠΕΚA) announced the opening of the Samaria Gorge. This weekend (April 29-30), a short, two-kilometre section of the trail and only the southern entrance from Agia Roumeli were opened for the beginning. The time of staying in the gorge on these days is limited to between 7.00 and 16.00. If you choose this option, you must first take the ferry to Agia Roumeli.
If there are no weather events , the opening of the entire trail through the gorge is planned for next Monday, May 1.
The second entrance to Samaria from Xyloskalo will also be opened on this day. After opening the full passage through Samaria, it is also worth remembering that the area of the Park should be left by 6 pm at the latest.
This year it is also possible to buy entrance tickets to Samaria via the website: samaria-tickets.necca.gov.gr
On this page you will also find the current price list of admission tickets. Fortunately, in this case, the prices applicable in the previous season have been retained.
At the same time, from May 1, a new KTEL bus timetable comes into force. This will restart bus services from Chania to the Samaria entrance at Xyloskalo. Buses from Chania Station leave at 05:00 and 07:45 every morning.
Here you will find the timetable valid from May 1
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