2023-04-25 20:21:17
We have written about the extremely controversial investment, which was to be carried out above the Palingremnos cliff, on our website more than once. This project caused a large wave of protest, which was supported not only by the local community, but also by many foreign tourists visiting Plakias. All of them had only one goal - to stop the construction, which would irrevocably change the landscape of the characteristic cliff of Paligremonos. Everything indicates, however, that this resistance made sense. The Court of Appeal in Chania has just revoked the building permit , which means that the investor cannot carry out any further construction work.
The rationale for this decision is still unknown. What is certain, however, is that the court agreed with about 50 entities (including the municipality of Agios Vassiliou), which appealed against the decisions of the Building Supervision services in Rethymno allowing the implementation of this investment. One of the arguments against this investment, apart from the destruction of the unique landscape, is the fact that the planned accommodation is outside the urban development plan. Most likely, it was on this argument that the court's decision was based.
As a supplement to today's news, we would like to remind you that at the end of January this year, the Regional Council of the Department of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Crete Region issued a positive recommendation, which was supposed to allow official steps to be taken to create a protected area. The decision was based on a study by the Natural History Museum of Crete, which assessed the characteristics of the Palingremnos rock, pointing to the existence of three active tectonic faults, which preclude the possibility of erecting any structures on the rock. In addition, attention was drawn to the fact that in winter it is also a wetland, which becomes a habitat for many species of birds.
View from Palingremnos cliff to Plakias
Today's verdict, unfortunately, does not end the fight for full protection of the Palingremnos cliff. Local organizations and local authorities continue to fight for this place to be under strict protection. Full documentation has been submitted to the Greek Ministry of the Environment to enable such a step to be taken. The recognition of the Paligrmenos cliff as a natural monument was supported by the local administration. Officials in the ministry will decide whether this place will finally be properly protected. Personally, we keep our fingers crossed for a positive decision.
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Brawo mieszkańcy i turyści! Skala i cała zatoka byłaby zepsutą jak po drugiej stronie. Plakias jest wspaniałe, choć widać że się strasznie rozwija. Mnóstwo nowych aparthoteli, za kosmiczne pieniądze.
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Great job!
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