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Opening of the Messara Museum

data_2023-04-22 20:52:16 2023-04-22 20:52:16

The many interesting museums in Crete have been joined today by another: the Messara Museum. Originally, this museum was not supposed to open its doors to visitors until June 30. It is worth emphasizing this fact because in Greece it is rather rare to give something before the deadline. Regardless, however, the new museum is another interesting point on the tourist map of Crete for lovers of archaeology.

Messara Museum Messara Museum. Image credit:

The Messara Museum opened today punctually at 12 noon in the presence of the Minister of Culture, Linas Mendonis. For at least the first month, admission to the museum will be free. Vasiliki Sythiakaki, director of the Eforate of Antiquities in Heraklion, says that the first few weeks will allow identifying any problems or shortcomings. After the end of this kind of trial period, the Museum will be open every day, except for Tuesday. The entrance ticket will cost €6. There is also a combined ticket costing 10 €, which will allow you to enter the excavations in Gortyn and visit the Messara Museum.

Combining tickets to these places is justified, because the Messara Museum is located one kilometer from the archaeological site in Gortyn. It will therefore be a good complement after seeing the remains of this former capital of Crete. The Museum exhibits over 900 exhibits that document the period from the appearance of human settlements in Messara until the end of the Byzantine period. Artifacts are exhibited in three halls. One is dedicated to the prehistoric Messara, the second to the cities that functioned in the Greek and Roman periods, the third and last room is dedicated to the Byzantine period.

The director of Eforat emphasizes that the particular geomorphology of Messara, which is located between two mountain ranges, has created the perfect conditions for the emergence of civilization. Their remains are present in numerous archaeological sites. The exhibitions will include exhibits from the first settlements in Trypiti, Kali Limenes, there are sections dedicated to the Minoan palace in Phaistos, Agia Triada, Kommos. There is also a very large section devoted to Gortyn, which is also considered the largest ancient city on the island.

Digital technologies were used in the creation of the museum, which make it possible to link the presented artifacts with the places where they were found. Interactive applications, e-tours, digital games for children and video projections are also to be present. An application was also created to provide information on the famous disc from Fajstos.

Further plans for the development of this Museum assume that it will become a cultural center for the entire region. It is also intended to be a meeting place for archaeologists working in the area, who could share information about current excavations with the local community.

The museum covers an area of over 3.5 thousand square meters. square kilometers, and the local community has been striving for its creation for a long time.

Gosia,  data_2023-04-22 20:52:16 2023-04-22 20:52:16
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2023-04-22 19:53:15

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